
New Hampshire Democrats and Antisemitism

Tomorrow a Women’s March is taking place in Concord: There is also a Women’s March taking place in DC and other cities tomorrow. These marches have been associated with antisemitism and the DNC and multiple prominent progressive groups have pulled their support: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has joined a number of prominent progressive advocacy … Read more

The First thing That Comes to Mind When Democrats Denounce Maxine Waters

Red Hen Restaurant VirginaYesterday I reported (again) on the lack of civility and false civility among far-left Democrats. The most recent examples are protesters driving Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of a restaurant followed by Maxine Waters suggesting the left make a habit of this anywhere they find members of Trump’s team.

Nothing new, except perhaps the honesty about what they’ve always wanted and for which they continue to strive.

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Steve Negron Calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters

Negron for congressPress Release

June 26, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633
Steve Negron calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters

“Comments like those made by Congresswoman Waters are disrespectful, unacceptable, and downright dangerous.”

Earlier this week, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D, CA-43) made incredibly inflammatory comments at a rally that have received strong bipartisan criticism from political leaders and media outlets across the country.

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Remember When the Democrats Pretended to be Civil?

Maxine WatersAfter the Democrat’s T.E.A. Party shellacking in 2010, there emerged a new narrative called the new civility. The violent left moved to paint the victorious right as uncivil while panhandling the idea that the Left was the party of Civility. We took them to task then, as always, because they’ve never been civil. Democrat-Socialism can’t advance in such an environment, and they know it. But they tried to sell civility. Even Sen. Shaheen got on board.

Sure it was a lie, but at least they were pretending. Not anymore. Good luck finding a committed rejection of the violence and incivility being peddled all the way up and down the Liberal “food” chain.

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Sequester Will Destroy 170 Million Jobs

I confess that I missed this (until now).The-Sequester-Bee

Democrat Maxine Waters (D- Doh!), relieved that she is not in prison for all the corruption she has engaged in while elected to the US House of representatives, is making up for that by just being herself.

“We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to cause these jobs losses, over 170 million jobs that could be lost – and so he made it very clear he’s not opposed to cuts but cuts must be done over a long period of time and in a very planned way rather than this blunt cutting that will be done by sequestration.”

As Charles C.W. Cooke points out at NRO’s The Corner, there are only about 134 million jobs in America.

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