Steve Negron Calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters

Negron for congressPress Release

June 26, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633
Steve Negron calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters

“Comments like those made by Congresswoman Waters are disrespectful, unacceptable, and downright dangerous.”

Earlier this week, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D, CA-43) made incredibly inflammatory comments at a rally that have received strong bipartisan criticism from political leaders and media outlets across the country.

At a rally, Waters encouraged attacks on the Trump Administration by saying “if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Video of Congresswoman Waters’ statements can be seen here.

Her statements came in response to a recent spike in vulgar and dangerous harassment by liberal extremists against Republicans and individuals serving in the Trump Administration.

Congresswoman Waters has been a significant donor to Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s (D, NH-02) campaign in the past, which can be seen here. Evidence that she is the authorizing candidate for “Citizens for Waters” can be found here.

This divisive and dangerous culture rumbling on the Left has already impacted New Hampshire’s federal delegation. Just yesterday an intern of U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan’s (D, NH), identified by Fox News as Caitlin Marriott, was heard yelling “Mr. President, F– you!” as Trump and a team of aides and security personnel made their way across the Capitol Rotunda to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s office. That intern has only received a week suspension according to Hassan’s spokesperson.

Steve Negron released the following statement:

“Comments like those made by Congresswoman Waters are disrespectful, unacceptable, and downright dangerous. Calling for the extreme base of the Democratic Party to attack those in the Trump Administration has the serious potential to result in physical and harmful attacks. It has no place in our American political process. Period.

“Regrettably, Congresswoman Kuster has been silent on the controversial comments made by Congresswoman Waters as well as the recent spike in verbal attacks on Republicans. Especially since Congresswoman Waters has already contributed a significant amount of money to Congresswoman Kuster’s campaign, it is time for her to let her constituents hear her thoughts on the matter. I am calling on her to both denounce Congresswoman Waters’ dangerous comments and return her campaign donation immediately.”

Steve Negron is a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.


Editor’s Note: has endorsed Steve Negron for Congress in NH CD-2

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