Di Lothrop is a long-term ‘Grok friend and at the present, the Vice-Chair of the Nashua Republican City Committee (NRCC). The NRCC has an annual event called the “Steak Out” every August as a primary fundraiser and this year their Keynote Speaker is US Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL).
Related: Sununu Needs to Withdraw His Latest Court Nominee – Patricia “Situational Ethics” Conway
Gaetz is under attack for a salacious innuendo, sexual misconduct – which is now falling apart as a result of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe’s investigation of CNN. He is proving that they (CNN) are targeting Republicans for propaganda purposes just to get them out of office.
Governor Baby Huey (Sununu) and the NH GOP are now acting like former NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn. JHo, (now a Democrat) ALWAYS ran away from political mud flinging. She cared more about the political dollar than standing up and doing the right thing.
So, it is clear that Sununu (or his staff) have not kept up with the current news. Why else would She believe he has the power to override the NRCC’s choice of speakers?
Becasue he has crushed (with tank treads) the NH and US Constitutions with his “Public Health trumps EVERYTHING” mantra (and taking on the mantle of “Elected King” in the process with the ‘tude that goes with it)?
Di has a response to his bullying but first her note to Steve Mac Donald, Mike Rogers, and myself (emphasis mine):
Below is my statement. Yes, our invitation to Rep. Gaetz’s still stands. I’m in constant touch with his top level staff and they are happy with this decision.
No, I’ve not been in touch with the NHGOP or the Governor’s office regarding the invitation to the Congressman. Like all NH city and town Republican committees, we are autonomous and self-governing and that’s okay by me.
Governor Sununu is certainly welcome to his own statements. Any negative comments right now from anyone don’t deter me. I know I sound like a broken record, but I care about the Rule of Law – as you’ll see in my statement.
The good news is I’ve been receiving countless calls and emails from people all over the state thanking me for standing my ground and telling me they will be purchasing tickets for our event. We also have had dozens of new members join the NRCC in the last few weeks. So, people are listening and engaging out there and I believe it’s a sign of the strengthening of the Republican Party in New Hampshire to stand together.
Political courage and that rarest of values, loyalty, are fleeting, but Di has it in spades and it’s paying off. Republicans are TIRED of “leaders” that run away and don’t stand up for what’s right. Good on Di for having a backbone!
Here is the full Official Statement (again, emphasis mine):
Di Lothrop
Vice Chair
Nashua Republican City CommitteeThe Nashua GOP’s invitation to Congressman Matt Gaetz to be the Keynote Speaker at our annual fundraising event called the Steak Out on August 27, 2021 is still very much in place. We will NOT be dis-inviting him based on unfounded and anonymous allegations, or, by political attacks. The Rule of Law in this country must still stand: Innocent until proven guilty. To ignore that means we lose the integrity of our constitutional federal republic.
NHDP Chairman Buckley and his party should realize that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Instead of acting like judge, jury, and prosecution in the unfounded accusations toward Rep. Gaetz, Mr. Buckley should be disturbed by the actions of people in his own party.
Like US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), with her continued and reckless incitement of violence. Her latest attack on the Minnesota anti-police crowd during the trial of a policeman who is currently being tried for killing a man in custody, to “get more confrontational” is most disturbing.
Chairman Buckley surely can’t have forgotten the accusations against Governor Coumo (D-NY) and the (so far) nine women who have come forth to accuse him of being a sexual predator. Chairman Buckley surely can’t have forgotten the case of Eric Swalwell (D-CA) who had a sexual relationship with a known Chinese communist spy which has been well-documented, and yet, Rep. Swalwell remains in Congress protected by the Democrats.
Chairman Buckley’s divisive comments to myself and the Nashua GOP calling us “these same people who stood by President Trump, therefore their judgment is pretty off” shows an emotional Trump-hating response from Buckley than a rational response and only serves to perpetuate the polarization of our two parties.
The bottom line is, I stand by my commitment made well-before the baseless smear campaign against Rep. Gaetz by the liberal fake news media. He has not been charged with a crime and he fully denies all allegations. Rationally speaking, that is good enough for me at this moment.
The Congressman is still welcome to come to New Hampshire.
Good for the Nashua Republican City Committee and good on our friend, Di.