New Hampshire Democrats and Antisemitism

Tomorrow a Women’s March is taking place in Concord:

There is also a Women’s March taking place in DC and other cities tomorrow. These marches have been associated with antisemitism and the DNC and multiple prominent progressive groups have pulled their support:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has joined a number of prominent progressive advocacy groups in withdrawing its support for the Women’s March in the wake of reports detailing anti-Semitic conspiracy-mongering and support for notorious bigot Louis Farrakhan among its leadership.

The NH Women’s March claims to be unaffiliated with the Women’s March:

The New Hampshire Rally For Women is partnered with MarchOn. We are not affiliated with the Women’s March organization, and denounce all forms of anti-Semitism, anti-LGBTQ behavior, or any other form of bigotry. We look forward to celebrating with all on Saturday and stand in solidarity with the Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities in our state and across the country.

However, one of the listed “co-hosts” of the NH Women’s March is the New Hampshire Democrat Party. The leader of the New Hampshire Democrat Party, Ray Buckley, supported Keith Ellison for Chair of the DNC:

In a potential game-changer in the race for Democratic National Party chairman, New Hampshire’s Raymond Buckley has dropped out of the race and has endorsed U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, has learned.

Here is what Alan Dershowitz had to say about Ellison at the time:

Ellison has a long history of sordid association with anti-Semitism.  He worked with and repeatedly defended one of a handful of the most notorious and public anti-Semites in our country:  The Reverend Louis Farrakhan.   And worked with Farrakhan at the very time this anti-Semite was publicly describing Judaism as a “gutter religion” and insisting that the Jews were a primary force in the African slave trade.  …

With regard to Israel, Ellison was one of only a small number of Congress people who recently voted against funding the Iron Dome, a missile system used by Israel to protect its civilians against rocket attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah.  His voting record with regard to the Nation State of the Jewish people is among the very worst in Congress.  

Ellison is now on an apology tour as he runs for DNC chairman, but his apologies and renunciations of his past association with anti-Semitism have been tactical and timed to his political aspirations.

And it is not just Buckley who has been associated with Democrats associated with antisemitism. In 2017, the Strafford County Democrat Committee hosted Maxine Waters:

Democrats have yet to explain why Maxine Waters and at least four other House Dems — who’ll all be in leadership positions come January — were seen on video schmoozing with the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Given this history, and given that the NH Democrat Party is the driving force of the NH Women’s March, much more than just a disclaimer on a Facebook page is needed for the NH Women’s March to credibly disassociate itself from the antisemitism of the national Women’s March. Every major speaker must prominently and unequivocally repudiate by name Democrats associated with antisemitism with ties to the NH Democrat Party or its Chairman.


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