On faith, or a lack of, in the enduring order of life.
"Habit and Custom may be the wisdom of unlettered men, but they come from the sound ancient heart of humanity. Even the wisest of mankind cannot live by reason alone; pure arrogant reason, denying the claims of prejudice (which commonly are also the claims of conscience) leads to a wasteland of withered hopes and crying and loneliness, empty of God and man; the wilderness in which Satan tempted Christ was not more dreadful than the arid expanse of intellectual vanity deprived of tradition and intuition, where modern man is tempted by his own pride."
-Russel Kirk /Edmund Burke The Conservative Mind
This reminded me of the larger problem with the Ruling class and the Democrat congress. As progressives they are not connected to anything but the next thought that occurs to them. Nothing they have said in the past is relevant to the present. Nothing they say today will matter tomorrow. And this applies to their policies as well. We see this in the bald faced contradictions of their own words and ideas; their disregard for anything that slows their accumulation of power. And they will do and say anything to hold power because they are spiritually empty, disconnected–hoping power will somehow complete them.
But it is like any addiction. "More" simply makes it worse. It is the arid expanse of intellectual vanity deprived of tradition and intuition where modern man is tempted by his own pride. The only end to this path that has ever been is to project this empty misery upon the people they would rule, turning generations of human beings into slaves of the state in an empty quest to find meaning in life absent an honest belief in God and faith; the faith in one’s own ability to do right by others without the need for authoritarian intervention.
Liberals are cowards who simply want you to pay them with your money to regulate life so they do not have to face that darkness alone.