This is a natural extension of all the other mutually exclusive applications of association that elitist, finger-wagging, dimwitted, left wing spin doctors and their blindfolded parrot-like familiars shout from the rooftops of foreclosed homes. It’s the same one that makes all white, heterosexual Christian, men, racist -globalist- misogynistic robber barons, and lets liberals try to escape the hypocrisy of ignoring the behavior of violent liberal bigots and hate mongers while whining about right wing complicity with all the winsome air of finger nails following Obama’s declining popularity down to the bottom of the chalkboard.
The first thing anyone should say when confronted by this nonsense is that which burns the skin of liberals with more ferocity than holy water on the undead; the truth. Bunning was in favor of the benefits extension. Most liberals will respond to this fact by screaming Bush Lied, kids died, bark about how the Supreme Court appointed Bush President, and then proceed to question the legitimacy of your paternity, or compare your intelligence to some inanimate object, probably with an offhand reference to feces to demonstrate their mastery of metaphor. But on the odd chance that you are challenging one of the lesser left wing demons, they may slip up and actually ask you what his issue actually was?
Jim Bunning was in favor of the extension, but before he voted for it, he wanted to know where the money would come from?
Imagine that. A Senator asking where the money would come from, just a scant number of days after the dog and pony show of signing Pay-Go into law. Would it come from the stimulus? Are we redirecting TARP money? Are we borrowing it from the Chinese or just printing it?
Turns out the liberals were planning to continue with the same ADDD (Add Dollars to the Deficit Disorder) as in the previous months of overwhelming democrat rule, playing their tiny little violins as background music in hopes of lulling the masses into ignoring another 10 billion on an already lop sided balance sheet. That 10 Billion Bunning questioned by the way is a scant 12% of the 120 Billion the democrat majority has already blown past Pay-Go since they all patted themselves on the back for their fiscal hindsight.
So if you happen to have been all Rah-Rah about yet another liberal promise to Pay as you Go, but are still shaking off the hangover from the improbable overnight Darwinian political evolutionary mutation from liberal party spendocratic Gold Digger to taxpayer defending deficit hawk, the mere suggestion of actually keeping a promise may have bollixed your already delicate equilibrium. So your autonomic response (maybe it’s just instinct) was to blame someone or something for having the nerve to call you out on another policy blunder in hopes no one would crash your little fantasy with something as inconvenient as the truth.
As an observer of these things I find it ironic that the effort to smear Bunning and any Republican that won’t disown him will probably last longer than the combined left wing fire sale that was deficit reduction, Budget cutting, Pay-Go, or that laser-like focus on jobs—you may still remember those, or maybe not if you happen to have a (D) after your name. History—even as recently as say last week, is troubling for leftists. They’d rather focus on the future. They are too busy being idea people to linger on the past. That’s why they keep coming up with the same failed ideas. It’s also why whatever it is that passes for a thought in the vacuum of the liberal mind has to be immediately delegated to a committee or a panel of so-called ‘experts’ (see: people with degrees but no real world experience) to come up with blue-ribbon budget-busting government solutions to every perceived problem. Solutions that require more government, and more of your money, and don’t you dare try to ask them where it will come from.
Unfortunately for us, Lasers don’t run long on wind power even those focused on job creation, and as other opportunities to spend present themselves the democrat’s ADDD finds solace in the fact that just down the street they have these great big printing presses that can churn out boatloads of currency with pictures of dead guys on them whom they invoke as political window dressing when it suits them but don’t even care for all that much. So any debate about spending is reduced to a third world like plea for compassion to help (insert name of thing here) without consideration for how the progressive pig piling of expenses will turn us into a third world country. But then, that’s a problem they already solved with a few hundred (thousand) words from Dear leader and the passage of Pay-Go.
Don’t expect them to start believing their own rhetoric now, the fabric of space time could come unraveled and who knows how much it will cost us to fix that.