Got Hate?

  In another round of "Who’s Really Got the Hate" liberals win again. This time the liberal hate comes from a producer for an NPR program called "Left, Right, and Center" from affiliate KCRW.  (It’s NPR so it’s more likley Far left, Left, and Mostly left.") In todays example a member of the impartial media comments … Read more

John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

(Note: This was originally posted on May 28th at NH Insider. It is being re-posted here as an encore presentation, by request.)


John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

The Ray and Kathy Show has this gag they do all the time where they complain about outside money or special interests on the right affecting local elections.  It’s a serious gas because everyone knows it’s actually a projection upon others of their own involvement with deep-pocketed outside interests with which they then exert pressure upon the local worker bees doing the Yeoman’s work at hiding their radical left wing agenda.  But they think it works so we try to play along.   Case in point: Governor John “Liar” Lynch was recently taken to task for saying one thing and doing another on the not uncontroversial subject of same sex marriage.  Lynch flip flopped and plenty of us asked if someone put the thumb screws on our diminutive chief executive. 

No, no.  Lynch is his own man concerned about equality and civil rights, Blah blah blah. 

Enter into the debate this article by Lou Chibbaro Jr. from The Washington Blade, which bills itself as "the lgbtq community resource."  The article is titled, “Rare Peek behind closed doors of secret gay donor confab.”  In the article Lou Chibbaro jr reveals for us the internal happenings at an event on May 15th to May 16th (just two weeks ago).  It’s was..

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Carol Is Still Batting .980

Carol “98%” Shea Porter surprised several people when she offered to co-sponsor HR 1207, the Audit the Fed Resolution.  The bill, sponsored by Republican Ron Paul would require an audit of the not so independent “independent” central bank. 

The hobgoblins who run the Fed were not interested in an audit for obvious reasons.  As the manipulators of monetary policy they were and are responsible for trying to manage the boom bust cycle or more appropriately (and more likely) causing it. But they were still part of the government, so for Carol to step up and make even a token gesture was unexpected. 

Or was it? 


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Drop Dead Fed

In the most recent issue of National Review Gary Wolfram, Professors of Economics and Public Policy at Hillsdale College wrote this in regard to Mises and Hayek’s Austrian business-cycle theory.


""This theory emphasizes the role of the interest rate in bringing together the plans of producers and consumers. The interest rate is the price of loanable funds — in effect, the price of money — and, like the price of any good or service, it gives producers information about consumers’ behavior and the actions of other producers. For example, if consumers wish to save — to put their money in banks, which lend it out — they will increase the supply of loanable funds, putting downward pressure on the interest rate. Producers can then borrow that money cheaply and invest in capital goods such as machinery, factories, and housing — which they can use to create goods for consumers to buy in the future with the money they have saved. Thus do producers and consumers arrive at the equilibrium interest rate, which matches producers’ plans to invest in capital goods with consumers’ desire to save.

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You Must Claim To Have Balance Daniel-san

State Senator Maggie "the red" Hassan had a puff piece in the New Hampshire Sunday News to defend the NH democrats “balanced Budget.”  We can tell right away that Ms. Hassan is going to take us on a fanciful journey because of her opening clause.  “Scarce resources make for difficult budgets…”  It is from this … Read more

The Bikini Burqa Bloviators

Democrats think that a bikini hula-hoop contest as part of a political fundraiser is insulting and demeaning to women.  This after a private fundraiser being held for the Stephen campaign announced the addition–which the Stephen campaign refused to support, and which resulted in them refusing any money raised whether the bikinis were there or not. … Read more

Sugar Daddy

Paul Hodes has a dirty little secret.  His ‘commitment’ to green energy has strings attached that lead directly to the sugar industry and a significant campaign cash “Thank You.”  Back in 2007 and 2008 Congress waged an epic battle over the Farm Bill.  They didn’t call it the farm bill they called it the Food … Read more

Ayotte’s New Fan Page On Facebook

There’s a new facebook page up with the unoriginal goal of making Kelly Ayotte look goofy.  It’s called Kelly Ayatch.  The page features a rather unflattering picture of Kelly Ayotte with an angry look.  And Kelly’s favorite television show…Rachel Maddow.  And this may come as a surprise but several of the four Kelly Ayatch friends, like Barack Obama.  The page’s first friend … Read more

“Bork!” Kagen

Republicans need to take the advice of democrats, and “Bork” Elena Kagen.  That’s what they would do. They’d ignore anything even remotely moderate, turn a giant lens on everything else, and burn a hole in her soul.  They would fashion a narrative, go on television, phone, write, blog, call, march, and shout until veins popped … Read more

Carol Stands Up For…?

Carol Shea Porter has been accused of using the oil spill and related disasters as a way to get campaign contributions.    In response her campaign manager, Angela Ruslander, said this in her defense. “Carol Shea-Porter is standing up to BP and other big corporations who are irresponsibly hurting our environment and our economy.”    Wait it gets better.  … Read more

Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?

…there are plenty of conservative heretics shifting boundaries and public opinion about the role of government. Fergus just doesn’t seem to see it.

Elect Equality

Ray has apparently been asking the local democrat population to cast their votes for Paul and Carol and I say knock yourself out, as long as you are OK with taking more out of state money from major unions that use intimidation to stifle free speech (wow that sounds familiar), and beat up innocnet black men who disagree with them. I think that makes the SEIU a bunch of hate mongering racists, but I’ll have to check my Race Pimps and Grievance-Mongers to American English Dictionary (Fifth Column….I mean edition) to be certain.


Anyone who doubts Kathy "Lawsuit" Sullivan intentions while crafting a speech intimidation amendment with Maggie ‘The Red’ Hassan will find these words suitably chilling.   The reason the Manchester School board gave Grace Sullivan (Kathy’s sister) a $253,000.00 severance and her old job back? Democratic Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan, alleges that there were grounds to sue because Republican … Read more

Show Me The Money

The New Hampshire Democrat party is excited about all the female candidates they are fielding. Ray Buckley would like you to think that this is some kind of equal opportunity thing, or that he thinks his party gets an electoral advantage of some kind but it’s really all about money.

One Hell Of A Wild Ride

There is always speculation about the state of the economy and plenty of people–mostly middle left–have looked at the goat entrails and pronounced a recovery underway if for no other reason than that they want to.   More than a few folks disagree, and it is fair to say that to some small degree the  opinion is … Read more

Liberals Think You Are Stupid

If you are reading this, then 30 mostly liberal groups believe you are too stupid to be able to filter out fact from fiction.



By: Jim Meyers: Newsmax


A coalition of more than 30 mostly liberal organizations has sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission urging the agency to monitor “hate speech” on talk radio and cable news networks.

The groups assert in the letter that “hate, extremism and misinformation have been on the rise . . . as the media has focused on Arizona’s passage of one of the harshest pieces of anti-Latino legislation in this country’s history.”

The organizations include the Center for Media Justice, the Rainbow Push Coalition, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Association of Latino Independent Producers, and Common Cause.

“As traditional media have become less diverse and less competitive, they have also grown less responsible and less responsive to the communities that they are supposed to serve,” the letter states.

“In this same atmosphere hate speech thrives, as hate has developed as a profit-model for syndicated radio and cable television programs masquerading as ‘news.’”

The coalition did not mention any specific media outlets.

The groups also argue that the Internet has made it more difficult for the public to separate “the facts from bigotry masquerading as news,” The Hill newspaper reports.

The Internet “gives the illusion that news sources have increased, but in fact there are fewer journalists employed now than ever before,” according to the coalition.

“Moreover, on the Internet, speakers can hide in the cloak of anonymity, emboldened to say things that they may not say in the public eye.

“For these reasons, as the Commission deliberates how the public interest will be served in the digital age, it should consider the extent of hate speech in media, and its effects.”

The radicals are just trying to control the message.  And trust me, if they fail the only ones getting violent will be the left wingers. 


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Does Prohibition Work?

On the question of using gambling revenue to hide irresponsible democrat spending, State Senator Maggie Hassan was quoted in this mornings Union Leader saying. "My question is, does prohibition work? I don’t think it does." It’s quite entertaining, the things desperate people say when they are under the gun to cover their own ass. The … Read more

Hassanosaurus Rex Revisited

The speech restrictions in HB1459 have suddenly caught everyone’s attention thanks to Cornerstone Policy Research, so I thought I’d resurrect my post from two weeks ago on the subject.  (Posted at NHI and Granite Grok). It’s not as pretty or filled with exclamations in all caps bold red text, but…it came out two weeks earlier … Read more

From Day One

The anti-terrorism strategy so far has been to bow and scrape, and admit faults, and hope nothing bad happens.  The product of that failed policy has been for our enemies to take advantage of us while continuing to hate us more than ever, with a jihadi gunman successfully killing at fort Hood while two Bombs that were … Read more

Thugocrcay 3.0 The DISCLOSE act

Crisis breeds opportunity and opportunity breeds massive legislation filled with liberty destroying details voted for by scores of liberal legislators who’ve sworn to uphold the constitution (with fingers crossed behind their backs).  These same hooligans said they’d defend their respective constituencies, except when it interferes with the agenda of the democrat party or their grasp on … Read more

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