Warning to Moms – Part 2

Erin Friday lives in California and has written checks to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in accordance with her dutiful liberal worldview.  She is also the mother of a seven-year-old daughter who she witnessed get sucked into the orbit of the new gender ideology movement.

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“God-Fearing Catholic” Alderman Ends Attacks on Save Women’s Sports Activist

Ever since self-proclaimed “God-fearing Catholic” Alderman Melbourne Moran Jr. attacked me for speaking about my Save Women’s Sports flag at a Nashua Board of Aldermen meeting, I have been attending the Board meetings and speaking each time during the public comment period about what he said about me and my flag and about the threats to women’s sports.

In the last two Board meetings, Alderman Moran’s attacks against me have finally stopped. Perhaps he has gotten tired of me calling him out again and again and again.

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Straight Lives Matter?

Something lighter for lunchtime, maybe? A female rapper has grown weary of LGBTQ terrorists waiting to unleash rhetorical roadside bombs at the slightest, well, slight. Perceived, that is (say it like foghorn Leghorn) I say, I say here now! Perceived slights, that is!

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