Warning to Moms – Part 2

Erin Friday lives in California and has written checks to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in accordance with her dutiful liberal worldview.  She is also the mother of a seven-year-old daughter who she witnessed get sucked into the orbit of the new gender ideology movement.

It began with her daughter sitting through five hours of sex education at her public school.  One entire hour was dedicated to gender selection, where she learned she could be any of a number of identities.  How Erin found this out was when her daughter had friends over, she listened to them choosing identities, including pansexual, lesbian, polyamorous, and non-binary.  At this time, her daughter was eleven.

Similar to January Littlejohn’s daughter she would be heavily influenced online during the COVID lockdowns.  Her natural discomfort with her growing body, instead of normal, was evidence she was trans per her online grooming community.  Reiterating her sexual education, she was mis-assigned at birth and needed to be proactive about embracing her true identity.  Erin discovered this by overhearing teachers referring to her daughter with a male name and male pronouns as she schooled from home on her iPad.  Thus began the nightmarish journey for her and her family.

Despite subtle clues, such as cutting her hair, wearing oversized and boyish clothes to cover up her body, and general despondency, Mrs. Friday took it as normal adolescent development. It wasn’t until she heard her child’s assumed name and pronouns that she realized something seriously wrong was going on.

How wrong?  Her school knew about it for quite some time before she did and never bothered to contact her.  Angry, she contacted the school only to have them define themselves as “the safe space” for her daughter, who was also not able to define safe space when she asked them what that meant.

She found her child’s online homework had been given with her new name and pronouns for some time before Mrs. Friday found out.  Yet another subtle but effective way these groups use apparent authority channels to deceive children into believing their identity crises is being handled by professionals.  Since this was during COVID, it all happened online and by teachers who had never met the daughter in person since she was new to the school.

After another phone call where they parroted their “safe space” status and again couldn’t define what they meant, Erin stated, “Well then, I must be unsafe?” Rather than engage her, she was visited by Child Protective Services and the police days later at the urging of the school.  They claimed to have seen her daughter looking up “how many Monster drinks to kill a girl,” though they couldn’t produce proof of this claim.  Positioning themselves as saviors, in reality, they were spying on her child through publicly funded devices using public safety to intimidate a tax-paying parent.  Rather than schools, these parents are financing the cult-rape of their families.

“It happens all the time in our state” she warns the interviewer.  Children are being pulled out of class by administrators and counselors who then march them down the path of gender-identity struggle, building a crisis in the child’s life without the parent’s knowledge.

Knowing the public school was the problem, Mrs. Friday immediately removed her and opted to try a Catholic school instead. Despite the better environment, she soon found out that even the Catholic school had been infiltrated with the new ideology.

Believing she’d been born in the wrong body, her daughter sunk into a deep depression convinced her only recourse was to take hormones and remove body parts.  As the writer of this article and father to five, I can hardly believe I just typed that, so one can only imagine the rage the Fridays were dealing with while trying to counsel their school-aged daughter, who was now getting an education under-duress.  Duress caused by the educators and during incredibly vulnerable years.

Similar to the Littlejohn’s, her daughter was being coached online that her parents didn’t love her and to reject them as parents.  She began to call her mom Erin instead of “mom.”  This is an essential step in cult psychology formation designed to give greater control to the indoctrinators by alienating essential family bonds.  This is not science or sociology; this is cult grooming.

Of course, no grooming is complete without actual separation, which her online handlers were urging her to do – leave her family.

Similar to January Littlejohn, Erin Friday was awarded volunteer of the year and drove children on field trips. She ran the walk or jog event and was essentially as involved as any parent could be in their child’s scholastic life. She also checked her child’s phone, only to find out her child had fake accounts where she could communicate in secret. She warns parents, including those highly involved, that it can happen to any of you.

Friday also notes she has a son two years younger and they would do life as a family.  He was never drawn into this web.  Yet despite her apparently stellar parenting efforts these manipulators have developed strategies incorporating the ease of social media communication to subvert even the most astute parent.

“Had I known what I know now, I never would have given her an iPhone.  I would not have put her in public school.  I never would have let her go through sex ed. Those are things I should have done – in hindsight, I would have.”

Echoing Littlejohn, she warns parents the clock is ticking if they suspect their child is susceptible to trans grooming.  By the time they turn eighteen your opportunities to protect them reduce dramatically.

The combination of compassion, love, and asserting one’s parental power to guide your child along a path of health and well-being is available, but it takes the courage to reject the new cultural zeitgeist and not be swayed by the pressures of political correctness.  Both fear of cultural pushback and that of one’s child not liking you is no reason to keep from setting healthy boundaries and relying on the love lying deep within your child for their parents to overcome these dogmatic activists who live to add to their numbers.

However, the cult is not the only perpetrator of this predation.  When considering the “why” of her daughter’s gender malaise, she recalls finding violent pornography on her phone.  Among her discoveries were images and videos depicting women being physically abused and subjected to degrading sexual treatment.  She believes it caused her daughter to want to shun womanhood, believing this was part of her future.  Again, access to this is the click of a button away from today’s children.

To watch her interview, click on this link.




  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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