Sorry, Neil Wetherbee and Co., You Won’t Drive Me from Derry

In A response to my GraniteGrok article about Elle Gallo’s boast that she removed my billboard message in Derry, New Hampshire, promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” (and my subsequent decision to promote the book from the Derry sidewalk), “Call me J” wrote:

Related: Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book

I believe what upset Stephan [sic] so much, is that the group of Derry residents decided that each time he protested on the sidewalk we would donate to charities that support caring for Trans people in his name.



Last spring Derry Town Councilor Neil Wetherbee informed me about this plan in two passive-aggressive thank you cards (see below) with a return address of Derry Town Hall and stamped “This card made possible by the LGBTQ+ Community, Families and Allies of Derry, NH fighting bigotry with kindness.” 

Wetherbee wrote:

But as knowledge is truly the path to enlightenment, I wanted to share with you what your actions have precipitated in our incredible community! A growing number of people have committed to donating to either our locally based Planned Parenthood or Planned Parenthood of Northern New England for every day you or your wife is in Derry! This is SO wonderful.

On its surface, this seems like a solid plan. First, since I’m trying to stop boys and girls – children I “have so much fear and hate of,” according to Weatherbee –  from being permanently harmed with opposite-sex hormones, donating money for Planned Parenthood to harm more confused children would make me complicit in permanently damaging them.

Second, child transing activists are right about how troubled I am about the medical industry giving opposite sex hormones to children. For example, if a girl takes testosterone, not only will it cause facial and body hair, balding and a permanently lowered voice she might regret when she matures, these chemicals will also trigger early menopause resulting in sterility, vaginal atrophy, and atrophy of their reproductive and urinary systems, and put these young women at a higher risk for pulmonary embolisms, strokes, and heart attacks.

And Planned Parenthood is efficient in harming youth. The corporation boasts that young people can get hormones on their first visit.

Related: More Stories about Neil Wetherbee

What if they’re minors? No problem. If a 16-year-old girl schedules an appointment to get testosterone at a New Hampshire clinic she’ll get the following response:

There are some rules about what age a person can be to book an appointment for hormone therapy. If you are between the ages of 16 and 18, you might need to have some special paperwork to be able to get this type of care. We can talk you through this!”

But the medical industry doesn’t need donations from Wetherbee and his friends to destroy children’s health thanks to billionaire donors, Medicaid funds, and a lucrative business model. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England is in the black by $17.5 million and has $1.6 million in cash, and transing kids is so profitable that the number of pediatric gender clinics has risen from zero to over 100 in the last sixteen years.

As a physician at Vanderbilt Health Center in Tennessee observed:

A female-to-male chest reconstruction could bring in $40,000. A patient just on routine hormone treatment who we’re seeing only a few times a year can bring in several thousand dollars without requiring a lot of visits and labs. It actually makes money for the hospital.

Someday, New Hampshire policymakers will conduct a systematic review of the research, listen to the tens of thousands of detransitioners who describe lives of pain and regret, and follow England, Sweden, France, and Finland in banning or strictly restricting puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones, and surgery.

I’m working to hasten that day by standing on the sidewalk trying to reach those who aren’t so enlightened that they celebrate slicing off the breasts of 15-year-old girls and destroying children’s bones, sexual function, and fertility with puberty blockers.

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