Warning to Moms – Part 1

January Littlejohn is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor whose story, though shocking, has become virtually commonplace in America.  Mother of a socially awkward thirteen-year-old daughter who likely is “one the spectrum,” Littlejohn shares her heartbreaking and enraging story of a school captured by trans-activists who would lead her daughter into a transition behind her back.

Littlejohn’s daughter is described as having “ADHD, and she’s gifted,” indicating a high IQ. with relatively love emotional intelligence.  The problem with this combination is her ability to grasp intellectual concepts like trans-identity with a low ability to discern the emotional ramifications of the cost of transitioning.

The social grooming of children to these cult-like teachings is nearing epidemic levels in places like California and other hyper-liberal regions where even legislators are codifying apparent child abuse.  What makes Littlejohn’s story even scarier?  She lives in Florida where the governor and the citizens combined to push back against the ideology.  Despite its reputation, Florida has statewide power centers set up to not only push the trans agenda but protect them as well.

  • Part of vulnerable cohort
  • Peer influencers
  • Online and other influences

Websites Scratch & Deviant Art, Anime, Music (Capetown – trans singer)

Training in the late 90s/2000s, Jittlejohn had no clients presenting as trans or non-binary, and nor were those terms or others like “gender fluid” even in the literature.  As she looked into the treatment options, she found only one type of care – affirming.  Trained as a clinician, Littlejohn understands differential diagnosis, which allows the practitioner treatment options per the client’s needs.  Gender dysphoria, she states, looks remarkably similar to anorexia in its battery of symptoms. Finding only one for this obvious mental illness that calls to affirm it was a red flag. “Intuitively we (she and her husband) did not feel affirming this false identity that came along so suddenly was the right choice for our daughter.”

They found their daughter lacked any real understanding of the things she was requesting.  Things like HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), puberty blockers, and top surgery were concepts with no understanding of methods or consequences.  She also couldn’t answer basic questions such as “What do you mean you don’t feel like a girl?”

Over the summer, things got worse to the point of hiring a mental health counselor.

The Littlejohns would find the real threat came from their daughter’s school.  Despite being Volunteer of the Year and a substitute teacher at her daughter’s school, she was stunned to discover that the faculty she trusted would, in fact, undermine her as a parent.  The first teacher she reached out to was the LGBTQ advocate for the school.  Rather than respond to Littlejohn’s concerns, the teacher ignored them while leading the daughter further into the process of transition behind the parent’s backs.

Secret meetings took place in violation of the daughter’s 504 plan which states parents are to be notified and involved in any changes to the plan.  A series of phone calls and emails with counselors, the assistant principal, the principal, and the assistant superintendent finally revealed these surreptitious meetings were somehow protected by non-discrimination laws, essentially usurping her parental rights and conferring them to the state.  Superseding the 504 was now a “gender support plan” that was filled out by their daughter, unbeknownst to them, in the presence of the principal, school counselor, and a social worker they had never met.  If this sounds like state-sanctioned child grooming, it is.

The questions in the six-page document effectively guide the confused and ill-equipped child to divest from the bonds with their parents while pretending to “support the child.” Rather than being protected by her parents, their girl was told she needed to be protected from them. If you’re wondering how anyone could come up with these methods, Mrs. Littlejohn detects it clearly—activism.

If you’re still unconvinced, this is sexual grooming,Littlejohn removes all doubt.  The document asks children, “Which restrooms and showers would you like to use on campus?” and “Which sex would you prefer to room with on overnight field trips?”  Again, this is cloaked as supportive of the child feeling safe at school.  Littlejohn notes there were no questions about self-harm, suicidal ideation or potential abuse in the home.  Furthermore, the accompanying guide, when asked if parents or guardians should be notified, warns, “No. Outing a student, especially to parents, can be very dangerous….” claiming some 40% of LGBTQ youth end up homeless (no citation is given).  Parents and guardians are the real danger, really.

Researching the guides, she found the authors are Equality Florida, who have mapped the entire state for safety plans they deem sufficient in green while marking counties with poor or no plans yellow and red.  Ironically, these are the same colors used by Stranger Danger to warn children of potential predators, only this map inverts them.  Of the sixty-seven counties in Florida, only four had not been infiltrated to the level desired by Equality Florida.

The guides found in the various counties are able to circumvent both parental and school board approval by virtue of being guides, however they are used as policy rather than guidelines. Rather than simple literature these guides are used as training manuals for faculty and staff with the putative weight of law despite being mere guides, anchoring themselves to the weight of anti-discrimination law that ultimately removes parental rights.

Having no choice but to fight the system, the Littlejohns filed a federal lawsuit. The judge dismissed it for “not rising to the level of shocking the conscience,” which begs the question: Who’s conscience? They are now appealing to the 11th Court of Circuit Appeals.

In the meantime, the Littlejohn’s have implemented their own strategy for walking their child through this process.  It is a menagerie of approaches, including finding answers, resetting their relationship and environment, reframing the issue, restoring trust, and practicing patience.

Among the many cult grooming tactics used to disorient their daughter was the use of love-bombing, which is an affirmation on emotional steroids.  This false inclusion technique is what deceives the child into believing the guides are more loving than the non-affirming parents who resist the irreversible transition of the child.  Yet another irony she detected was the love-bombing is really an affirmation of the child’s apparent self-hatred of their natural identity, which, when coupled with a low emotional intelligence, leads the “empowered” child to make harmful decisions they are incapable of understanding.

They removed their daughter from the public school.

Here are some academic resources for concerned parents and guardians:

The Queering of the American Child” by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay

Abigail Schrier’s books “Irreversible Damage” and “Bad Therapy.”

(Littlejohn includes a lengthy list of resources at the 25:38 section of her YouTube presentation)

Do No Harm website



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