Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book

Elle Gallo, an “open-minded” former Democrat candidate for state representative in Derry New Hampshire, is proud of censoring a billboard message promoting a book about protecting girls from lives of pain and regret.

Her campaign website (screen-captured here) says:

Here in Derry I successfully rallied a small but mighty group of Derry residents to form a coalition to remove an anti-transgender billboard in town.

The electronic billboard message featured an image of the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Wall Street Journal writer Abigail Shrier, and the message “Your Daughter is Learning About Gender Identity on Social Media. Get The Facts. Read This Book.” 

I raised funds to put up the message from concerned parents, including some who saw their daughters being harmed by the gender craze. Since transgender activists had my message removed, I’ve taken to the sidewalk.

Gallo asserts on her website:

I don’t claim to be an expert on everything, but I’m open-minded and will listen to town officials, residents, businesses, and students of Derry.

Had Gallo been open-minded enough to research the book, she would have learned that it was named one of the best books of the year by the The Economist, The Times and The Sunday Times in the UK.

Shrier explores why there has been a 4,000% increase in children seeking gender treatment in the UK between 2009-2018, while in the US the number of teens identifying as transgender doubled between 2018 and 2020. Many of these children are permanently damaging their bodies with puberty blockers, hormones, and double mastectomies. 

Shrier suggests that gender identity is being spread as a social contagion since these are girls who never expressed discomfort with their sex until they heard coming-out stories or discovered trans influencers on social media.

Since Gallo forced the billboard message to be removed in March, Shrier’s concerns have also been raised by The New York Times, Reuters, and former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Erica Anderson.

Related: Transgender Ideology Harms Children

Health officials in England, Sweden, Finland, and France have also recognized teen transing as a social contagion and banned or strictly limited administering puberty blockers and hormones to minors.

From the official announcement of Sweden’s policy change:

These treatments are potentially fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis.

As a result of the powerful trans lobby’s censorship and misinformation, there are tens of thousands of detransitioners, young people who previously identified as trans or non-binary but then “de-transitioned” to reclaim their sexual identities, like Prisha Mosley, 22 who was interviewed by Reuters:

Mosley suffers from painful vaginal atrophy, marked by dryness and inflammation of the vaginal walls, a common side effect of testosterone that she said she didn’t fully understand when her doctor warned her about it. She is undergoing laser treatments to remove the facial and body hair brought on by testosterone, and she hopes to be cleared for breast reconstruction.

Mosley said she wishes her doctors had focused more on her mental health instead of endorsing her desire to change her body. ” just took the cure that was handed to me,” she said, “and I ruined my life.”

Elle Gallo is a devout proponent of a fragile ideology, so it’s understandable that she would be willfully blind to these dangers and insist that the citizens of Derry share her ignorance. I encourage those who are open to another perspective to read Abigail Shrier’s insightful book.



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