Context is… Nothing.

The current in-vogue spin-room phrase is “context is everything.”  That phrase is used to provide an excuse for every unethical action, from teachers who are caught reading pornography to grade-school children, to politicians who vote to support “gender-affirming” surgery without their parent’s permission or knowledge.

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Was This Class Taught in an Inclusive, Respectful, and Equitable Manner?

by Skip

Years ago, story after story would appear stemming from the developing  “outlook” of what Social Work Graduate Schools were demanding their graduates adopt. They kept throwing out students who were either Conservative, Christian, or both, or just not hewing to the Narrative of how the world was to be seen and dealt with by these newly minted graduates.

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Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

How the Left Has Redefined Words in the COVID Era

From the beginning of the alleged pandemic, the ruling class has been as dishonest as possible in their response to Covid. Much of their power over the hysterics have derived from the manipulation of language. At times it was counterintuitive, but fear overpowers reason in weak-minded people.

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“Civil” Sports Disobedience

In 1991 I returned to New Hampshire after being activated by the Marines for Operation Desert Storm, aka Persian Gulf War I. The happy homecoming will always be a fond memory. Some things had changed in my absence, of course, but time marches on.

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Larger is the New Smaller

Suppose some people come to your home and tell you that, since you have too much money, and they don’t have enough, you have to give them some of yours; and if you don’t, they’ll hurt you.  If they do this regularly, they don’t even need to continue with the threats, since the ongoing threat is implied.

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