US Constitution FI

Has America “Bottomed Out”?

I remember reading the columns and editorials of several conservative and Republican pundits who were hoping that Trump would lose in 2020.  They based their hopes on hatred of Trump’s personality and his disregard for “the norms of Presidential behavior.”  They called themselves “NeverTrumpers” and were proud of it.

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Context is… Nothing.

The current in-vogue spin-room phrase is “context is everything.”  That phrase is used to provide an excuse for every unethical action, from teachers who are caught reading pornography to grade-school children, to politicians who vote to support “gender-affirming” surgery without their parent’s permission or knowledge.

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Uman Brain Original Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

It Ain’t AI if it Don’t Learn.

You read that right: you can’t call it Artificial Intelligence if it doesn’t fully imitate Human Intelligence. I used to teach this stuff at a local college in their 400-level computer science curriculum. The book was Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. It’s considered the book to teach first-level concepts … Read more

From the Halls of…

Ya gotta wonder why there are so many Americans siding with Muslim extremists and why the Biden administration is deeply bowing both to them and massive numbers of Palestinian “supporters” here in the US.

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Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS – there IS a common factor

Let’s think about the attacks in Israel for a moment.  If we look around, we see that it isn’t just Israel that’s being attacked.  Have we forgotten about “no-go zones” in France, Germany, England, and other European cities?  Or the surge in Muslim attacks in Algeria, Mali, Tunisia, et al?  Or the longstanding hatred and internecine wars in the Middle East that do not involve Israel?

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Israel Israeli Flag Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Stand Your Ground, Israel

Before beginning, this needs to be said: the reasons Hamas has control of Palestinian areas are that it has terrorized Palestinians into voting for it in “fair elections,” and it has been “educating” children into a deep hatred of Israel from the time they were born.

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college lecture hall seats choices original photo unsplash

How To Fix the “Student Loan” Problem

One only needs to check the news occasionally to know that there is at least a half-trillion dollars of noncollectable student loan debt out there.  Those loans, a huge percentage of them being owed to non-government entities, may never be fully repaid.

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Yes, We NEED to Teach Cursive Writing

There’s something at stake in education that most people are ignoring.  Schools are drifting away (sometimes running away) from teaching cursive writing.  All sorts of excuses have been given: “It’s old.” “It’s hard to teach.” “We don’t need it any more.”

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Red vs Blue by Counties

When Life Imitates Art

I’m not one to compare a movie to life, but I remember one movie that seemed to foreshadow what we’re seeing today. The story is about a man who is accused of a crime without knowing what crime he has been accused of committing.

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Is Canada’s Government Still Legitimate?

In all the Canadian government’s furor over the truck driver protest, one event is missing: any reports of clear-cut violence committed by the truck drivers or their supporters.  I have been scouring American, Canadian, and international news sites to find a verified report – any report – of a Canadian truck driver who has physically attacked anyone else.

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US Senate - image credit US

Repeal the 17th Amendment

The Constitution describes 3 branches of the federal government: the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  It also originally indicated that the rules to elect Senators and Representatives “… shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof” (emphasis mine) and that Senators were elected by each State’s Legislature.

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WV vs Bette Midler

Just a comment regarding Bette Midler’s comments about West Virginia: In 1997, Polaroid rolled out a Driver License/ID system that implemented the first facial image recognition system in any state-level program in the United States. I was the tech lead/manager on the program, so I know we did it.

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Unhinged Democrats

Can someone tell me… why?

“Truth dies in darkness.”

So do starving people.

Living in one of the most prosperous countries in the history of the world, I am dumbstruck by the number of liberals, progressives, and communists who would push Americans into Venezuelan-style inflation, starvation, and socialism.

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voting booth

Voting is a Citizen’s Duty – DO YOUR DUTY!!!

Nashua calls itself the “Gate City.” One thing about gates: they allow admission and they also enforce exclusion. Looking at the current political environment in Nashua, the key seems to be the enforcement of exclusion – but in this case, exclusion of residents – and especially parents – from the political process.

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Martin Niemoller, German theologian and pastor

“But it’s Only a Vaccine…”

The year is 2021.  The place is the United States of America. If you aren’t immunized, you may be shunned or forced out of your job, forbidden to socialize in public, banned from restaurants or other venues, and possibly be restricted from receiving emergency medical care at a hospital.

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City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Nashua Public Servants… are our Masters?

Elections in Nashua are held every year. In “even” years, candidates for federal office are on the ballot. In “odd” years, candidates for local and state offices are on the ballot. But because local elections don’t generate the excitement and (sometimes) national coverage of elections for federal offices, Nashua residents rarely show up at the polls.

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