Are These Your New Hampshire Values? The Lee Nyquist Edition

Democrat Lee Nyquist is a New Hampshire Democrat running for the State Senate in District 9.    Nyquist has embraced the Democrat state party narrative in which every Democrat from Shea-Porter and McKluster (running for congress), all the way down to every “Democrat running for anything” is running against the TEA Party.

As part of this fiction Nyqusist claims he is for “New Hampshire Values not TEA Party values.”  That’s what the ad says.  But anyone who knows how Democrats govern (and how they governed New Hampshire)  would be right to ask how thier  “Big Government tax and spend Massachusetts Values” could ever be passed off as New Hampshire values?

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If You Are Paying Attention New Hampshire You Know Exactly What This Means…

Stingy Old People Who Are Stupid

I can only guess how Democrat State Senate candidate Lee Nyquist’s campaign manger reacted to Clint Eastwood’s speech at the Republican National Convention.  That campaign manager, Kevin Hodges, (batting coach for the New Hampshire Democrat party), had nothing kind to say about Republicans long before his invocation to beat them with a bat; particularity those who are as old as Clint Eastwood who is eighty-two.  And Eastwood’s party registration, whatever it may be, is of no consequence.  To Kevin ‘Awesome Cool Hodges’ he is probably just another one of those..

“…stingy old people who are stupid.”

That was his opinion of Republicans in the New Hampshire House back in April 2010, not long before his cool and awesome self got benched by the voters.  But he’s back, helping Democrat Lee Nyquist run on a campaign to ‘Bring Civility back to Concord,’  which is extremely humorous considering Nyquist can’t even bring civility to his own campaign.

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You’re Messin’ With The Wrong People

Democrats are not just hypocrites they are violent ones.  They excuse themselves from the rule of law and the rule of decency, any rule at all actually, if it in any way obstructs their blind pursuit of political power, or the advancement of their extremist agenda. Today’s lesson comes from  Massachusetts where Democrat (and candidate … Read more

Anyone Dissapointed That Annie Kuster Didn’t Ask Maggie Hassan to Drop Out?

Ann McLane Kuster - Supported by Anti-Israel J Street

It didn’t take long.  Congressional candidate Ann McLane Kuster (I call her McKluster) expressed her disappointment at Charlie Bass for having better things to do than jump in to the circular firing squad against Todd Aikn, of Missouri.

“In New Hampshire, Annie Kuster rapped one of Democrats’ top targets, GOP Rep. Charlie Bass, saying she was ‘‘disappointed’’ Bass hadn’t yet called for Akin to leave the Senate race.”

Like most desperate Democrats with no coat tails to ride in on, McKluster took out the rhetorical bat against her Republican opponent, Charlie Bass.  It is, after all, his responsibility as a congressman to denounce everything any other Republican does (or says, or can be said to be thinking…).   So by extension, where is it I can find candidate McKlusters call for Maggie Hassan to drop out of the Governors Race.

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From Top To Bottom The Democrat Party Lacks Principles

The blatant double standards exercised by Democrats is regard to what is outrageous becomes clearer every day.  Here in New Hampshire, spewing hate-speech and laughing at inferred acts of violence are pushed aside when we know that were it the Republicans making ‘off-hand’ remarks of a similar nature, the left would never let it go…. it would be an example of the underlying hate they hold for (insert name here), and would disqualify them for office….and yet not one Democrat has the honor to stand up and say as much when it’s them.

And at the national level the Obama Super PAC has called Mr. Romney many things and most recently a murderer.  But like everything else wrong with the Democrat party, from the violence to the slurs, to the racism, none of them, at least in New Hampshire, has the ‘teabag’ to admit that this is just as wrong as if Republican’s had done it.

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Encountering ‘Tea-Baggers’ On the Path To Restoring Civility to Concord

That tebagger called me an offensive name- Democrats and selective civilityIs there any limit to the number of dumb things a Democrat candidate for the NH House can do or say–or claim to stand? And how come, every time I try to walk away from this guy, he keeps dragging me back?

Yes, I am referring to William Hudson Connery III, who since having stumbled onto the New Hampshire political stage–as a Democrat candidate in Newmarket (Rock 17)–has insulted people of faith,  tried to hide the fact, demonstrated a past in which he encouraged what in most places amounts to vote fraud, violated Department of Defense rules, and has now exemplified his Left Wing, New Hampshire, street cred by invoking (unsolicited) the unflattering term ‘Teabaggers.’

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New Hampshire “Democrat” Values

Michelle Obama was in New Hampshire recently, talking about how Barack will win here because they have “New Hampshire Values.”  I realize that what she meant was New Hampshire Democrat party values, which are more like ‘Chicago Values,’ than actual ‘New Hampshire values.’ You know the values she means; big spending, more taxes and fees, … Read more

Democrat Lee Nyquist’s Campaign Manager Kevin ‘Awesome-Cool’ Hodges Identified as Maggie Hassan’s ‘Bat-Boy.’

Lee Nyquist- Says he's for Civility but his Campaign manger wants to beat Republicans With a batGoffstown, New Hampshire Democrat Kevin Hodges, former House Rep from (D-Awesome Cool), has been identified as the Democrat in this video who wants to “Beat  Republicans with a bat.”  This isn’t all that surprising.  Hodges has a history of disrespecting Republican opponents

“You should vote for me because I’m awesome and cool. The House is filled with stingy old people who are stupid. I’m younger and smarter, and that’s a fact.”

Hodges fed the “Beat Republicans with a bat” line to Democrat goober-natorial candidate Maggie ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan, who responded, “That’s a good answer.”

When Hodges isn’t playing Bat-boy, he is also the campaign manager for New Hampshire Democrat Lee Nyquist, who is running as the Democrat State Parties best choice to represent the people of  New Hampshire State Senate District #9.

Here’s a question.  Was NH Democrat Lee Nyquist in the room?  Was he smiling and laughing?  Not sure.  But regardless of that what does he think about his campaign manager’s announcement that they can “beat Republicans with a bat?”  I only ask because the boldface lead to the first item on Lee Nyquist’s ‘Issues’ page reads like this.

“Restoring Civility, Collaboration and Common Sense to Concord


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4RG Chairman Hemingway: “Hassan Should Withdraw From Gov Race”

4RG PAC Logo

Media Contact: Andrew Hemingway, 603-203-4063,

Republican Governor Candidates Smith/Lamontagne Share Ideas For Boosting New Hampshire’s Economy
While Democrat Maggie Hassan Is Talking About Beating Republicans ‘With a Bat’

CONCORD, N.H.—4RG Chairman Andrew Hemingway is calling for Democratic Gov. Candidate Maggie Hassan to drop out of her race for governor after she agreed that it was “a good answer” for Democrats to literally beat Republicans “with a bat … with your hands … [and] with your feet.”

Hassan, the former Majority Leader for the N.H. Senate, was asked at a Goffstown meeting “How do you plan to beat a Republican?” Democratic operative and Rep. Kevin Hodges, who introduced the candidate at the event, yelled out in reply, “You can beat ‘em with a bat, you can beat ‘em with your hands, you can beat ‘em with your feet.” Hassan was caught on video tape immediately responding, “That’s a good answer.” Please review the video here:

Later, when asked by the press about the comment, Hassan’s campaign manager Matthew Burgess replied that she was just “kidding” about beating other human beings with a bat as if the comment was just a joke.

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(Re-Post FlashBack!) Introducing Rep Kevin Hodges (D-Awesome Cool)

(Originally posted April 20th, 2010, this is–I think–one of my classic rants and worthy of a re-post)

Introducing Rep Kevin Hodges (D-Awesome Cool)

Ah, the arrogance of youth.  Not long ago it was Brian “I have an LSR to get minors off for getting busted for possession of alcohol” Poznanski who was the whelp–having then gotten himself busted as a minor in possession of alcohol in front of a house full of minors and his LSR subsequently pulled.  That was fun, and illegal, but so five months ago.  Now we have Kevin Hodges (Hillsborough7) who hasn’t done anything illegal that we know of, but based on a chance encounter documented below I think we can draw a pretty picture of Mr. Hodges.

I’m just guessing but I bet Kev-Bo is wicked sick when it comes to the general court, and he’ll probably tell you as much.  But when you look up his voting record, he’s really just another BORG wired into Norelli’s hive.  He’s a big spender (No spending caps HB 1522), wants to make sure he can tax you as much as he needs to after he spends your money (Killed CACR 26) he’s not interested in the constitutionality of the general courts activities (voted to ITL HB 1343), and he seems more than willing to let the facilities committee pass judgement on things of a decidedly constitutional nature like banning guns from places (voted to kill HB1693) even though when given the chance to ban them legislatively he voted against it. (HB 1654).  Afraid to vote for it, but you’ll let them paper push it into existence, I see how you are.  And I didn’t look, but I bet he’s against parental rights.  Most young healthy men his age are.

What attracted my interest in Kevin–if you are wondering–was a recent encounter between Mr. Hodges and a new voter, (She’ll be 18 before November) documented in a letter to the editor of the Goffstown News.

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Playing 52 Pick Up, And Then Some

New Hampshire Election Information ( has the results posted of its 52-pick up page an effort to identify and track the replacement of fifty-two "of the most statist and the most vulnerable legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives."

The final accounting is impressive.

Only four of the fifty two reps listed survived the 2010 election season; Evalyn Merrick (Coos 2), Peter Ramsey (Hills 8), Daniel Sullivan (Hills 8), and Nick ‘The Nuke’ Lavasseur (Hills 11) survived.  The other 48 got washed out in the roughly 296 seat sweep of the House.

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Wrong Way


In the long and undistinguished line of left wing rubber stamps milling about the State House like zombies, you can find Kevin Hodges of Hillsborough 7, perhaps better known as Kevin "Awesome Cool" Hodges, among the undead.  Kevin garnered a small measure of fame after an encounter with a young lady in his district who took umbrage with his casual use of vulgar language and his insults of experienced Republican legislators. 

One editorial (and this blog post) later and Kevin was destined for a followup–so here it is.

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Get This Man A Space

Two weeks later and Rep. Peter Schmidt (D-Strafford 4) still has to park in the No Parking Zone when other spaces are available.  Yes, this is a follow up to my earlier post–Peter " No Parking" Schmidt.  Apparently Peter is a real stand up guy.  Veteran.  Works hard.  Always shows up in Concord.  I appreciate … Read more

Introducing Rep Kevin Hodges (D-Awesome Cool)

  Ah, the arrogance of youth.  Not long ago it was Brian "I have an LSR to get minors off for getting busted for possession of alcohol" Poznanski who was the whelp–having then gotten himself busted as a minor in possession of alcohol in front of a house full of minors and his LSR subsequently … Read more

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