
If Fear Can Destroy Civilization, Courage Can Save It

The Leftists using the Democrat name have long said occurrences of voter and election fraud are so rare as to be nearly nonexistent. They lie every time they say it. Leftists maintain such occurrences should not be used as pretexts for implementing “unnecessary” measures. They know they are wrong.

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Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge David Bernhard

At a Loss for Words: “Judge Won’t Try Black Man in Courtroom With White Portraits”

I think everyone should be treated equally – until they show that they shouldn’t be. On an individual basis – YOU make me decide whether to treat you as an equal or as someone less than your posterior.

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unhinged democrats

The Democrat Party Is A Theocracy Intolerant Of All Other “Religions”

The Democrat Party has forgotten its roots. It demonstrates daily it does not care for the average working American. It wants to defund the police. It is a theocracy and is intolerant of all other religions.

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This election is about western civilization.

We Are in a Struggle for the Very Soul and Being of Western Civilization

Is it true that to have a pathway into politics one needs to be rich or to know rich people? Or is it possible to have the acuity to identify a unique window of opportunity and capitalize on it? Is this new or has this always been the American system?

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Refurbishing the justice

Refurbishing the Justice in the Criminal Justice System

President Donald Trump promised in his first State of the Union address to “embark on reforming our prisons to help former inmates who have served their time get a second chance at life.” This was part of his broader economic and public safety agendas.

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Tearing It Down

Is America About Tearing It Down?

Is America about tearing it down? Our history says we are the best builders… ever. But today, mobs are defacing and tearing down our statues and monuments nationwide. They do so claiming “social justice.” Well, being full of hate has never produced justice.

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The Otherwise Indestructible Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Cancer Again

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in the hospital when they discovered her cancer had flared up again. She immediately began another round of chemotherapy and said things are going according to plan. She also has no plans to step down from the Supreme Court, not that the Left would let her.

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fundamentally and violently transforming

Fundamentally and Violently Transforming

The Left is hellbent, though, on fundamentally and violently transforming America. Remember all the way back to last year. Feminists were celebrating women’s equality. They were declaring #TheFutureIsFemale; now men can be women by simply claiming the title. This is just one more example of exactly how ignorant smart phones are making us. The internet … Read more

George Washington Statue in portland

“Flattening the Curve” on Liberty – Today It’s Statues, Tomorrow it’s People

Anyone who thinks the Left’s latest tantrum has anything to do with discrimination or justice for minorities is in for a surprise. The Left never does anything for anyone but itself. And all you are doing is helping them.

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Yo, Jeanne Shaheen – about what you missed in your campaign email?

Yeah, I seem to remain on every Democrat’s email list – some that I appreciate being on, and others get foisted upon me because they buy and sell their lists from each other.

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just us in America

Do you think the law is about things like finding the truth?

It is just us in America because there is no justice. Don’t believe it? Have you followed the Flynn case?  Do you think the law is about things like finding the truth? Think it’s about evidence or facts?

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Ray Buckley

Hey Democrats, If Hearsay is “Better Evidence” Charge Ray Buckley for Possession of Child porn

The testimony of a guy who heard it from a guy who heard it from another guy who says he heard it is now better evidence than actual evidence. A Democrat in congress believes that. If true, the NH AG needs to charge Ray Buckley with possession of Child Pornography.

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Police Officer Convicted of Murder, Sentenced to 10 Years

Amber Guyger, a now former Dallas police officer, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison.  10 years, when prosecutors had asked for a 28 year sentence, which would have been equal to the age her victim would have been today if he were still alive. Botham Jean was a 26-year-old … Read more

Qualifications to Head DCCC

Social Justice or Socially Just Us

Justice… Don’t we all work in our own ways to promote justice? But what exactly is justice? The classical definition is the will to render to a person what is due him. That seems pretty simple, pretty obvious. Social Justice… So what is social justice? To those using the term it seems to mean something … Read more

“Democrats: let terrorists vote”

So let me see if I get this straight – a law abiding citizen who has been improperly put on the “do not fly” list and now is a “suspected terrorist” gets stripped of a Constitutional Right (Second Amendment Rights for a rather (almost indeterminate) time) but the Democrats are in favor of an ACTUAL … Read more

Scales of Justice

DISQUS Doodlings – This isn’t how ANY of this works, Bruce!

Well, Peter’s post “Republicans must not cower in the face of Democratic treachery” is getting a bunch of traction in the comments section and as I do from time to time, I mix it up in the comments instead of just putting my thoughts here on the front page.  This time, I just couldn’t help myself in keeping it short and when I was done with one comment by Bruce Currie.

Sidenote: one of the few Liberals that come here to joist with us, I give him the rubric of “honest Liberal” as he is almost always consistent in his views and tries to have a decent conversation; I am hoping he’ll come to one of our MeetUps so as to meet him in person!

Anyways, near the current end of the DISQUS section, he left this on the ongoing allegation concerning Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Bruce Brett Kavanaugh (emphasis mine, H/T: To commenters Paul and Allen for spotting the error):

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Manafort Trial: Why Does The Media Want The Names And Addresses of the Jurors?

Paul Manafort was indicted by Bobby Mueller for tax evasion and money laundering. No, not in regard to any relationship with Mr. Trump or his campaign or Russian political collusion. Mr. Manafort was scrutinized under the mandate of the special prosecutor but when Team Mueller couldn’t find anything tied to their purpose they bagged him for something else.

The media has been short-stroking it as proof of something when all it really is is this.

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We all know the Preamble…

…but here’s the rest of the story:

‘…whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

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So, what’s the reaction been to the gun grabbers? Lots! – Part II

Rassmussen is reporting that MORE guns in schools are the right way to go:

Fifty-four percent (54%) of American adults would feel safer if their child’s school had an armed security guard. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% would feel safer if their child attended a school where no adults were allowed to have guns. Another 20% are undecided.

Among parents of school-aged children, support for armed guards is even higher. Sixty-two percent (62%) of such parents would feel safer with an armed security guard at the school, while 22% would feel safer if their child attended a gun-free school.

And of course, we hear from many of the “Education Professionals” that the last thing they want to do is to disturb “the status quo” of the gun free zone (aka – “gun free victims here!!”).  But the actual Employers (aka, the parents, whose tax monies pay their salaries) are telling them otherwise).  Yet, reports are coming back that private offers of gun training for teachers and school staffs are being accepted far beyond expectations – so when you listen to “the professionals”, not all are of the mind to “lock the door and cower in the corner, defenseless.”

After all, it took the Sandy Hill police 20 minutes to arrive at that school – and they had drilled on this.  Yet, the Diane Feinsteins of the world want us defenseless even as the vast majority of us are being judged to be guilty for the acts of a few.

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Notable Quote: Harvey Mansfield – On Goodness and Justice

“…goodness or justice in our country is not merely the transfer of resources to the poor and vulnerable. We have to take measures to teach the poor and vulnerable to become a little more independent and to prize independence, and not just live for a government check. That means self-government within each self, and where … Read more

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