Yo, Jeanne Shaheen – about what you missed in your campaign email?

by Skip

Yeah, I seem to remain on every Democrat’s email list – some that I appreciate being on, and others get foisted upon me because they buy and sell their lists from each other.

Sidenote: I usually use a “marker” when I sign up for one so it’s rather amusing to see 1) where my email address comes from next and 2) how many ways can they mess up my “name.”

And I’m on Senator Shaheens.  Here’s the latest pandering campaign email:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Jeanne Shaheen” <info@jeanneshaheen.org>
To: <redacted but it’s me!>
Sent: 6/3/2020 3:48:30 PM
Subject: Fighting for justice


I am devastated by what has unfolded in America over these past few days. Like so many, I’m outraged by the murders of unarmed Black Americans and shocked by the excessive force used against those peacefully assembling to protest. Communities from coast to coast are reeling in pain and heartbreak as years and years of ongoing systemic racism come to a tipping point.

The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many more are not standalone tragedies. They are products of the deep racial injustices in our society.

I stand with those who are demanding justice for these senseless murders. I stand with those who are peacefully marching to demand accountability and change. I stand with those fighting for deep structural reform to deliver justice and equality for all.

We must all commit to working toward justice and strengthening our democracy. I’m recommitting myself to this work, and I’m calling on you to do the same. We must all fight to dismantle racism in our communities and to lift up the voices and experiences of our Black friends and neighbors.

Many organizations are doing critical work to advance racial justice in this country. If you are able, please consider supporting the NAACP Legal Defense Fund with a contribution today.

Each one of us has an opportunity to make an impact at this critical moment. Thank you for taking action.


Sure thing. Go ahead and read it again if you must. If you are just getting politically active and not used to the lingo that’s carefully used. These emails are generally NOT “stream of conscious” efforts; often they are focus groups or A-to-B comparisons (different versions of the email sightly different in wording, looking to see which gets more responses).

I dryly note the usage of “demanding justice for these senseless murders”…”to deliver justice and equality for all” and I have one important question:

What about justice for those harmed by the riots these demonstrations that we’ve seen all week long? The violence, the fires, the destruction of private property, small businesses that were already on life-support during this pandemic but have now been completely trashed by these “peaceful” looters?


From her standpoint and words, you’re “on your own”. Just so much collateral damage in “the greater struggle”. Nice of you to let us know whose struggle you’re down for (just like Governor Sununu).  Sununu hates ReOpenNH, Shaheen has little sympathy for the rest of us “little people”.  Like US Representative “Hot Mic Engel (“I wouldn’t care but I’m in a primary”) it’s pandering all the way downhill come election season.

Nice to see which side you’re on, Jeanne – not that it surprises any of us.

Just remember Jeanne, – ALL Lives Matter.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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