Irony Alert … Ross Berry

Here is a good one: Ross Berry criticizes union leadership on X for not representing union workers. The irony apparently escapes Berry. Berry and his fellow Republican “leaders,” Jason Osborne, Joe Sweeney, etc., do NOT represent Republicans.

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Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massganistan

Since the 1930s, governments, politicians, leaders, and members of freedom-crushing movements have been using the word “Crisis” to accomplish goals that “The People” would never have voted for or allowed to occur if we were not told that it would “Solve a Crisis” of some type.

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Thanks For Nothing

So Annie Kuster is finally going to retire to her dacha (or perhaps dachas) … after spending over a decade voting to “transform” America into a dystopian hellhole of illegal aliens, open borders, late-term abortions, and forever wars.

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NH State Rep Joe Sweeney Facebook

Hey Joe … Your “Good Friend,” Rosemarie, Is A Communist

Joe Sweeney is supposedly one of the NHGOP’s “leaders,” “young-guns,” “the future of the Party” etc., etc., etc., … he’s much, much, much smarter than those boomer-GOP’rs … he knows how to win in New Hampshire … OR so he would like you to believe. Actually, Joe is simply regurgitating the failed, losing mantra of … Read more

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