Hey Joe … Your “Good Friend,” Rosemarie, Is A Communist

Ed Mosca

Joe Sweeney is supposedly one of the NHGOP’s “leaders,” “young-guns,” “the future of the Party” etc., etc., etc., … he’s much, much, much smarter than those boomer-GOP’rs … he knows how to win in New Hampshire … OR so he would like you to believe. Actually, Joe is simply regurgitating the failed, losing mantra of the Establishment GOP … stay away from the “social issues”; focus on the fiscal issues, blah, blah, blah.

Joe thinks he’s anti-communist. He does NOT want to honor dead Communists. But Joe is apparently unaware that his “good friend” Rosemarie Rung … Cackling-Rosie … is a Communist:

Cackling-Rosie wants to disarm law-abiding Americans. That’s what Communists do, Joe, they disarm the opposition:

Cackling Rosie thinks children should be raised by the State, not their parents. That’s what Communists believe ,Joe. For example, Lenin said something along the lines of … give me four years to teach your children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

Needless to say, Cackling-Rosie’s stance on guns and parental rights is just the tip of the Communist-iceberg. And she’s also just a really, really horrible person. For example, she has implied that Melissa Blasek is a biological male:

And, OF COURSE, she retweets the obligatory “Republicans are Nazis”:

Considering Cackling-Commie-Rosie your “good friend,” Joe, makes you a DISGRACE.

And if the future of the NHGOP is people like Low-T Joe Sweeney and Ross Berry and D.J. Bettencourt … then the NHGOP has NO FUTURE.


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