It’s ALWAYS About Democrats Keeping YOUR Money – Law Doesn’t Matter. Bait and Switch, Baby!

by Skip

Taxpayer Bill of Rights in Colorado was supposed to keep taxpayers safe from ravenous politicians.  And the shysters even went along with it – while campaigning.

AFTER the campaign, the true colors came out – emphasis mine, reformatted

Last year, Colorado Democrats championed TABOR refunds as they campaigned for reelection. Yet not a week into the 2023 legislative session, they announced plans to try and halt those refunds indefinitely.

Bait and switch – after it was too late to switch your vote. The Democrats LIED to their voters – and I’m betting it wasn’t the first time.

A forthcoming bill by Rep. Cathy Kipp (D) and Sen. Rachel Zenzinger (D), if passed by the legislature and approved by voters, would allow the state to retain future tax refund dollars mandated under the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) in Colorado’s Constitution. Kipp says the money would go to fund public schools.

Yeah, it’s “always for the teachers unions children”, isn’t it. Waggle that carrot in front of parents and then start in with the nasty of “what, you hate our children? You want them to remain stupid?” even as they are thinking “boy, these parents ARE stupid to be believing us!”.  And once siphoned off out of your pockets and “into the schools”, who knows what the next riverlets will be going to what pet projects.

Proponents of this idea have failed in the past to gather the 120,000 signatures required to put the question on the November ballot. The legislature can circumvent this requirement by passing the measure as a bill first. Every time voters speak on key issues related to TABOR, they send the same unambiguous message: “Leave TABOR alone and let us keep our money!”

Democratic legislators either didn’t get the message, or they just don’t care what voters think.

And just like always, Democrats CAN’T be honest with what they want to do TO you before the election. You only find out afterwards. Oh sure, they may let you have a bit of a peek but the complete unveiling is never what you expected from the signs, ads, and speeches.

Yet, not enough people “get” this part. And sometimes, Republicans do the same thing.

Isn’t that right, NH State Reps Sweeney,Alexander, and Berry?  Did YOU THREE tell your constituents what you three were going to do?

(H/T: Instapundit)

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