Thanks For Nothing

Ed Mosca

So Annie Kuster is finally going to retire to her dacha (or perhaps dachas) … after spending over a decade voting to “transform” America into a dystopian hellhole of illegal aliens, open borders, late-term abortions, and forever wars.

The normal reaction from a Republican would be “good riddance,” “about time,” “don’t let the door hit you in your fat ass on the way out,” etc., etc., etc..

But the NHGOP is not normal. One of its “leaders” normalized the abnormal (the abnormal being Annie’s hard-left ideology) by thanking her for her service:



Sweeney obviously is deep in the throes of Stockholm Syndrome.

Aiding and abetting an illegal invasion of America, funding forever wars, and aborting eight and nine-month-old unborn babies is “service” in the alternative universe Sweeney inhabits.

But, in his defense, perhaps Sweeney has been too busy ramming apartment complexes (“workforce housing”) down our throats to pay attention to Annie’s voting record. Slava Ukraine! New Hampshire Advantage! Mask Up! Vax Up! Slava Ukraine!


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