Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho … Jo(k)e Sweeney Has Got To Go

Ed Mosca

Read the comments to Jo(k)e Sweeney’s Manifesto attempting to rationalize the outlawing of single-family zoning (the very “big government” approach to governance that he claims to oppose). It is undeniable from the comments that Jo(k)e does NOT represent real Republicans. So he should NOT be part of House GOP leadership.

But do NOT hold your breath waiting for that to happen. The GOP Majority Leader is a Libertarian. He voted with Jo(k)e Sweeney to outlaw single family zoning and turn New Hampshire into an endless sea of  “ADUs” (accessory dwelling units … in plain English, creating a “right” to build up to two “accessory dwelling units” on what was a single family lot), interspersed with large apartment complexes (“workforce housing” “multifamily housing”).

The bottom line: real Republicans are NOT represented by the NHGOP. Libertarians are running the NHGOP in the House, while the “Republican” Governor is more Democrat than Republican, while in the State Senate, the NHGOP leader is Jeb Bradley, who was considered one of the most liberal Republican State Reps when he served in the House. Perhaps the dysfunctionality of the NHGOP is part of the reason why Democrats and NOT Republicans have been moving to New Hampshire, and vice versa?


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