Question For Chuck And Kelly … Do You Support The NH-UniParty’s Push To Outlaw Single-Family Zoning?

Ed Mosca

It’s more than fifteen minutes after you drove home and finally you find a parking space in what once was your single-family zoned neighborhood. But the NH-UniParty outlawed single-family zoning in 2024, and your once picturesque, safe neighborhood is now an eyesore of “accessory dwelling units” crammed into what once was your neighbor’s front and backyards. And your neighbors are now mostly renters because once the UniParty outlawed single-family zoning BlackRock and the other “investment” firms swooped in and bought up as much of the neighborhood as they could.

It used to be easy to find a parking spot in front of your home. But the UniParty also outlawed minimum parking requirements. So lots that used to need one or two street parking spots are now taking six or eight. But finding parking is not the end of the ordeal. You have a 15 minute walk home ahead of you, in what once was a safe neighborhood but now is anything but that. Trash and graffiti have replaced impeccably maintained lawns and gardens. And there are also the dealers and the gangs and the street thugs.

This is the dystopia that Jo(k)e Sweeney and Ross Berry and other imposter-GOP want for New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte claims that she is running for Governor in order to prevent Joyce Craig from “Massing up” New Hampshire. But what about Jo(k)e Sweeney and the other imposter-Republicans. Does Kelly support their jihad to outlaw single-family housing? She has NOT, to my knowledge, said one word in opposition to the NH-UniParty’s push to destroy the rural character of New Hampshire.

And where does Chuck stand on this issue? Does he share Jo(k)e Sweeney’s dream of turning New Hampshire into an endless sea of apartment complexes?

Maybe their wonderful surrogates could take a moment from telling us why their candidate is the true conservative to actually tell us something substantive? Not holding my breath.


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