Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massganistan

Since the 1930s, governments, politicians, leaders, and members of freedom-crushing movements have been using the word “Crisis” to accomplish goals that “The People” would never have voted for or allowed to occur if we were not told that it would “Solve a Crisis” of some type.

You name the crisis, and I’ll show you the politicians and the people who will profit from it, often to the detriment of the rest of us. In most cases, the crises are NOT REAL. They are imagined to achieve a political end or goal, and they are thrust upon the population with all of the legal (and illegal) brutality that the politicians and their masters can muster.

Currently, our leaders and people who would profit from it have the following crises in progress: the climate change crisis, The Mental Health Crisis, The Homeless Crisis, The Opioid Crisis, The Extinction Crisis, the next Pandemic Crisis, The Crisis of our Democracy, etc., etc. These same people have also declared a “Solar Eclipse Crisis.”

Yes, the SOLAR ECLIPSE CRISIS!! Run for the hills, folks. Batten down the hatches and hoard all of the TP and water you can carry. The sun is coming for you—or is it the moon? Either way, IT IS NOT A CRISIS. It was not a crisis, but they tried to make it into one.

We want to thank John Cawthron for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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While I admit that there are problems to call every problem that comes along, “A CRISIS” diminishes the meaning of the word and does a disservice to us all. That brings me to the latest crisis being foisted upon us by Mayor Jim Donchess; most of the Nashua Alderman, Governor Sununu, State Rep. Joe Sweeney, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Developers, some huge corporations, and government entities will profit from it. THE HOUSING CRISIS!!!

To be clear, despite what the above-mentioned people are shouting from the rooftops, there is not, there never has been, and there never will be a housing crisis in New Hampshire.

When the first settlers arrived in NH, there was NO HOUSING WHATSOEVER. To be sure, if ever there was a time that NH had a shortage of housing, that was it. Did these settlers declare a crisis?

Did they send a letter to King George III declaring a crisis and ask for a Royal edict and Royal $$ to build workforce housing that would subisdize housing for some people while making others work for every square foot of housing space?

Did they build multi-unit, block house, soul-crushing, communal living spaces to keep and attract more settlers

The answer is, no, they did not.

Yet somehow, despite not having these Royally injected and spread amongst the leadership funds, these settlers managed to build enough housing to form a state. Crazy right? Hard work and perseverance get you somewhere.

If this Housing crisis does indeed exist, riddle me this…Why, when I take the drive on Rt 101 from Nashua to Keene, do I see a multitude of empty and abandoned houses just sitting there, unoccupied, rotting away? Surely, if there were a “CRISIS,” our local and state leaders would put their “powers of good” to use, fix these locales up, and have them re-added to the housing pool, yes? Why is this not being done?

I can tell you why…There is no Federal money in it. You know, DC dollars.

For Democrats, Federal money is like blood to a Vampire. They can’t live without it and just like a Vampire if sunlight was ever shined upon what they were doing with it and what they had to agree to, to get it, that sunlight would surely destroy them. Apparently some of our state’s GOP members have discovered what DC dollars can do for them as well. This does not bode well for our state because, for every DC dollar that is accepted, a little part of our state’s soul is traded away.

A little-known fact about this “crisis” is that under President Obama, an initiative was put in place to stop “Urban Flight” to the suburbs by bringing the “Urban” to the suburbs. DC dollars would flow to states that changed or violated their local zoning laws and to the people that brought these changes about. You know, politicians, Town Administrators, Real Estate Developers, etc. Let’s call them “The Gang” from here on out. Anyway, Obama and his ilk put this plan in place in order to economically and demographically “diversify” quiet, peaceful, and prosperous suburbia by getting the locals to allow cluster and high-density housing into areas that are not suited for it.

Obama and “The Gang” want to bring to suburbia what the Democrats have brought to most of the other places where they hold sway. High crime, bad schools, broken families, welfare state housing, and slow but unrelenting chaos. If you think that “The Gang” would tell you the TRUTH about any of this think again. Instead, WE HAVE A CRISIS!!

For the sake of argument and ignoring the fact that in the past five years, 20,000 plus or more apartment units have been built along RT 93 from Manchester to Boston, not to mention what has been built in Nashua, Manchester & Salem, NH, let’s say that there is a housing crisis here in NH.

Are “The Gang” telling us that the solution to this problem is that they and their DC dollars will build their way out of it? Ahhh, hello gang. Take a look at a map. What landmass sits below the southern New Hampshire border?  Let me point it out to you. It’s called Massachusetts. You know, the land of the uber taxed and universal mail in ballots.

For the sake of argument, let’s call Mass. what it has become under its current Soviet-style rulers “Massganistan.” Since NH borders Massganistan, every unit of housing built in southern NH is actually subsidized housing for northern Massganistan.

What was the saying in that movie…”If you build it, they will come?”

Massganistan is currently in the process of importing as many of the illegal masses as they can get from F Joe Biden. Since Massganistan is filling up every hotel, motel, warehouse and now volunteer’s homes where will the over flow go to?

Remember that the pols in Massganistan have plenty of DC dollars to house people anywhere that they want to. Even if the massive amount of illegal immigrants stay in Massganistan, the people who will be forced out of their homes and apartments or simply no longer wish to live in Massganistan because of the massive influx of people will come north, where rents and housing prices are cheaper.

Maybe that is the point, however….

In “The Gang”, the politicians get DC dollars, the Real Estate Developers get some too. The Real Estate agents and high density housing owners get rich off of the subsidized and artificially higher rents. Meanwhile, you, me, and everyone else that worked hard & played by the rules get the shaft as our towns and cities get urbanized and overrun with people that can’t afford to live in the places that the gov’t allowed/forced to be put here.

To make this more palatable and to bring in a bit of “false” humanity, “The Gang” calls this “Work Force” housing. I must say that’s very communist of them. Build brightly colored, Soviet-style, cell black housing for a workforce that doesn’t have “The Work” to pay for it.

As we all know, even with the HUGE amount of cluster housing that has already gone up, rents have not come down. In fact they are rising. Quite the opposite of how a free economic system is supposed to operate wouldn’t you say? So how is it that this can this happen?

Don’t ask me; ask “The Gang,” but my guess is that “The Gang” set themselves up nicely with tax breaks, low-interest loans, and DC dollars to “subsidize’ rents and fill their pockets as they destroy everything in their path that stands in the way of Obama’s plan for the USA and our state.

So as the complicit media types, DC Dollar-bought politicians, local leaders and town administrators, Real Estate developers, and Real Estate agents, you know, those that will profit handsomely from “THE HOUSING CRISIS” scream from the rooftops that “NH NEEDS WORKFORCE HOUSING!!” consider this. If “The Gang” really cared about the “workforce,” what they would be doing is bringing good-paying jobs to NH. If they did that, any housing issues would take care of themselves.

What is really going on is the planned and controlled DESTRUCTION of suburbia and all of the goodness that it brings to what used to be called “the fabric of America.”

This plan is for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of most. The “Housing Crisis” and “Workforce” housing lies need to be seen for what they are, not what the people who will profit from it tell you they are. These lies need to be exposed before every town and city in NH resembles the hollowed-out, and empty shamble of socialist and communist ideals that have failed everywhere that they have been implemented, for that is what this is.

Gov’t control, gov’t lies, gov’t complicity over the wishes and desires of the people that they are supposed to be serving.

If there is a crisis in NH, it’s a crisis of leadership, and I can see it with my own eyes.

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