Does Jeanne Dietsch Support Obstructing RTKs or Not?

Let’s talk about that carpenter-hating elitist nut job Jeanne Dietsch and her lunacy-promoting group, Granite State Matters. Much has already been said about her and her group, but a new 9-minute video appears to have been added to the site within the past month. If you freeze it at 5:26, it says, “94 legislatUREs trained to promote Koch interests.” … Read more

Sen. Avard Says, Dietsch List is Doxxing, Citizens Could Sue

State Senator Kevin Avard was a guest on Rock, Paper Hand Grenades, and the topic of the Diestch list raised its amusing little head. If you missed it, former state Senator Jeanne Dietsch had been compiling a list of New Hampshire residents labeled as anti-democracy extremists (with the help of your ‘neighbors’).

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Of What Exactly Is Each of Us Guilty?

Can you imagine waking up to find out that you and over 500 other NH people have been tarred as Anti-Democratic Extremists by a former New Hampshire State Senator, Jeanne Dietsch, a former NH State Senator whose voting record was so radical she was rated a “Constitutional Threat” by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance!

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There Is Nothing Funny About Jeanne Dietsch And Her Ilk

If you think Jeanne Dietsch and her ilk are amusing/comical/funny/etc., then you have no idea … none at all … of the true nature of the Left. The Jeanne Dietsches of New Hampshire and of America are the current incarnation of the Schutzstaffel, the NKVD, Mao’s cultural revolutionaries, and Pol Pot’s followers.

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Bonus: How YOU Can Help Democrat Jeanne Dietsch Find Extremists in New Hampshire

If you missed it, Granite State Matters, the latest of many incarnations of online activism by former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch, has a list of anti-democracy extremists. You can check that out here, and when you find yourself missing, we have found a way that you can turn yourself in.

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Are You On the List of Right Wing Extremists in New Hampshire (I Am! – And I’m in Excellent Company) [Updated]

This will probably go over well, but not in the intended manner. NH Democrat Jeanne Dietsch recently shared a link to a working list of what is called anti-democracy extremists in the Granite State. I see a lot of errors in the list, not the least of which will be the people who are not on it but would like to be.

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Eric-Swalwell-2897554897 Free Beacon

I Seem to Have Nothing for Today So I’ll Just Put up Another Democrat Disparaging Parents.

Shades of Jeanne Dietsch, former NH State Senator, who infamously uttered the words: “This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said. … “If the … Read more

Dumpster fire

With “GraniteCrok” A Failure Jeanne Dietsch Changes the Name and Adds a Podcast

Remember GraniteCrock? It was supposed to be former Democrat State Senator Jeanne Dietsch’s fact-checking vehicle. Sorry, debunking. It failed to be that from day one.

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GraniteGrok screen grab

Jeanne Dietsch’s GraniteCrock “Debunking Site” Still a Floundering List Building Scam with No Readers

Remember way back when former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch said she was going to expose GraniteGrok? That soon became exposing Grok and NH Journal. Then it was the right-wing media, truth, blah blah blah.

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Granite Crock: ‘Don’t confuse us with the facts!’

Long ago, a Congressman from my home state gained notoriety when he said, while defending Richard Nixon, ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts.’  I was reminded of this upon reading an article that Steve forwarded to me from the Granite Crock site, which was written to ‘debunk’ something I’d written.

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Democrat Jeanne Dietsch’s “Crock”

Christmas came early for the ‘Grok in 2020. Uppity NH Leftist (and former State Senator) Jeanne Dietsch announced she was going to debunk GraniteGrok. “Tired of the B.S. from Granite Grok. Write a post in Granite Crock. Win a prize for the best debunk.” Soooo…how is that working out?

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Granite Crock parked at GoDaddy

A Trolling We Shall Go – “Granite Crock” – Part 2

So, yes, was spun up by now former NH State Senator Jeanne Dietsch in yet another Progressive’s attempt to “take us down”. In this case, to “Stop the Bull” supposedly from us.  After a tip to Steve, I wrote it up: “A Trolling We Shall Go, a Trolling We Shall Go! High Ho the … Read more

Free Marketplace

Notable Quote – reinforcement for my previous post on Free Markets

My previous post. Simply because it fits and too many people believe that a cabal of rulers can run our economy better than we ourselves can (emphasis mine): A liberalism – no slaves, the right to say no – is built into [Adam] Smith’s argument at the outset. You decide, not the government or the community, not the … Read more

We Are At War To Be ‘We The People’ Again

Notable Quote – for both Bruce Currie and Jeanne Dietsch

The Left is smitten, even in love with the word “greed,” but always directed toward Capitalists. They use it to smear the true meaning behind capitalism, which is in the service of others. If a Capitalist isn’t serving someone else’s needs, he isn’t going to sell products and will go broke.

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Granite Crock

A Trolling We Shall Go, a Trolling We Shall Go! High Ho the Dairo, a Trolling We Shall Go – “Granite Crock”

Steve was alerted to yet another attempt to try to “takedown” GraniteGrok. I think, over the years, there have been four or five attempts. The problem is, most of these “we’re better than you are” have no idea how hard and how much discipline it takes to actually be successful and build up any kind of readership that sticks around.

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Promoted From the Comments – the Elitism Is Strong Within Her…..and Her Brother, Neil Dietsch. Part 2

Elitism – People taking away choices from other since the Start of Time. Steve started this ball rolling with his post about Jeanne Dietsch  (“NH Democrat Jeanne Deitsch – Elitist White-Tower Snob“) when she made it clear that a lot parents would be losers when and if they decided to homeschool their children (especially if … Read more

Jeanne Dietsch - Facebook

Jeanne Dietsch Wonders If Voters Really Wanted What they Wanted – Repeates Points That Lost Her Re-Election

Democrat Jeanne Dietsch thinks she is smarter than you. I’m sorry, she knows she is. We’ve reported it; she denies that she thinks that, but then she does things that prove she is lying.

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Promoted From the Comments – the Elitism Is Strong Within Her…..and Her Brother.

Democrat Jeanne Dietsch wants Government to choose for you. Denise Ricciardi, her Republican opponent in NH State Senate District 9, wants YOU to make choices for you and yours. Should be an easy pick but let me get on with the Comments.

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Ray Buckley

Democrat Chair Ray Buckley Shares Story About Child Abuse to Smear Homeschoolers – Ignores ‘Public School’ Abuses in His Own Political “Back Yard”

DNC Vice-Chair Ray Buckley wants us to talk about child abuse. You’d think he’d have the sense to stay away from that sort of thing. I guess not. He’s sharing a story about the serial abuse of “kids” from Southern California because NH is so similar.

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NH Democrat Jeanne Deitsch – Elitist White-Tower Snob

We warned New Hampshire about Democrat candidate Jeanne Dietsch, (Sen. Dist 9), but not enough Republicans turned out to keep her from winning in the 2018 Blue Wave election. An error they should be sure to correct come November. Why?

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