Democrat Jeanne Dietsch’s “Crock”

Christmas came early for the ‘Grok in 2020. Uppity NH Leftist (and former State Senator) Jeanne Dietsch announced she was going to debunk GraniteGrok. “Tired of the B.S. from Granite Grok. Write a post in Granite Crock. Win a prize for the best debunk.” Soooo…how is that working out?

Related: Debunking Granite Crock’s Debunkers on Education

We were excited. We love this sort of thing. It lends itself to easy pickings and copious self-creating content. We shared the news with our audience. Skip trolled them a little bit.

But the entire enterprise began evolving away from us almost as soon as it was conceived.

What started as looking like a revenge project (because we kept reporting on Dietsch’s elitist liberal snobbery)  changed before it ever even pretended to ‘officially’ debunk a thing.

Tired of the lies for profit and power (that sounds like Joe Biden.) Sick of the ignorance filling each hour (that sounds like corporate media). In other words, no risk-taking and nothing new to see here.

I predict it will not even last as long as Dietsch’s ‘tenure’ as a State Senator. Maybe not even half of that.

So what is the point? There is no vacuum, void, or missed media segment for this to fill. Nada!

You can get the same left-wing local narrative-mill crap sandwich (and a bag of responsible sourced, fair-trade vegan chips) at WMUR, the Union Leader, Concord Monitor, Keene Sentinel, MLT, Portsmouth Herald, Fosters, Seacoast Online, or any NH “paper” whose name ends in ‘Daily Sun.’ Nationally, try the Alphabets, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, WashPo, etc., and so on ad infinitum.

Why is this supposedly smart woman vying for market share (eyeballs) in a saturated marketplace and coughing up 100.00 a month for it in “prize money”?

After seeing the evolution of the thing and looking at her “candidates for best Debunk” for January, it is literally B.S. Two of the six “entrants for the best January debunk” are one paragraph with a few links. That’s it.

The site page style is abysmal, the text is cramped, the font is awful, and the writing is not great. In other words, it is not enjoyable to look at or read.

And only one of them (unless I missed it) even mentions some other media outlet in New Hampshire, and it is not this one.  But you have to click on and read suffer through them all to discover this.

I was a bit disappointed. We so enjoy the back, and forth this sort of thing can create. Unlike the left, we encourage opposing arguments.

So. what’s the point? Why bother?

You have to provide an email address to vote, so it looks like an email list-building scheme. I hope that’s what it is because not even left-wing”truth” has a chance of “flowering” in this crap.

In other words, it’s a crock! Just like the name says.


Featured Image: You can order a What a Crock T-Shirt from TEE-Republic: No affiliation with our Website; we do not earn any commission on sales of this or any item on their site. We are just doing them a solid for borrowing their image.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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