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NH Republicans: We’ve Seen Enough, Close the Primary!

There are 276,262 registered Republicans in NH as of 12/28/23. The total number of Republican primary voters is reported to be 322,284, a 121% turnout. How was this possible? Assuming an 80% registered Republican turnout, I estimate that 109,000 non-Republicans crossed over on election day to tip the scales!

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Save Women's Sports flag

Nashua Mayor Donchess, Raise that Flag Back Up!

  Nashua has taken a dark turn, and the enemies of free speech and diversity of thought, with the help of Nashua Mayor Donchess, are doing a victory dance on our Constitution. The Flag On Saturday, October 10, 2020, defenders of women’s rights, raised a flag at City Hall stating a simple Message: “Save Women’s … Read more

hopeless and helpless

Better To Rule in Hell Than Serve in Heaven

Did you watch the State of the Union speech?  The context of the speech was a bit surreal when one considers that the members of the Senate present to hear this address would be voting the next day on whether to convict and remove the President from office.

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Abandoned mall dead plant

If You Tax It, They Won’t Come

Two of our very own Nashua State Reps., “Skip” Cleaver and Mark King, are making yet another run at your wallets in the form of a sales tax (HB 1492). For you baseball movie fans, if this bill were a movie, I’d call it “Field of Schemes.”

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