I Seem to Have Nothing for Today So I’ll Just Put up Another Democrat Disparaging Parents. - Granite Grok

I Seem to Have Nothing for Today So I’ll Just Put up Another Democrat Disparaging Parents.

Eric-Swalwell-2897554897 Free Beacon

Shades of Jeanne Dietsch, former NH State Senator, who infamously uttered the words:

“This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said.

… “If the dad’s a carpenter, and you want to become a carpenter, then yes — listen to your dad.”

She actually was a ball of fun in providing a ton of blog fodder for us over the years from her elitist attitude (her brother as well). And her latest gambit, having failed with “GraniteCrock“, she now trying to “make an impact” with “Granite State Matters” which was linked up with the Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap in the latter’s efforts in throwing shade at the Free Staters that have come to NH simply to live their lives and being left along by Government. Who knew that personal Liberty and Freedom were evil things; she must be talking non-stop with former NH State Rep Cynthia who made it clear she hates Freedom.

Well, now that Chinese spy bedding (re: Fang Fang for the pillow talk?) California Democrat Congressman is now acting like Dietsch:

So Congresstwitt Eric Swalwell is now ideologically in bed with Dietsch concerning parents homeschooling their children (such a choice!)?  Nice way to go through life and thinking that your constituent voters are too stupid to be in charge of their children’s education.

Oh, I’ll answer his question of “When did we stop trusting experts.”.  When the so called experts believed themselves SO expert that their “expertise” leaked out into any other problem domains they chose to opine on.  Sorry, unless you are a bona fide polymath, life doesn’t work that way. What it does show is that your EGO is far larger than said expertise.

And from another view point, what he REALLY means is that Government always knows what’s better for you than you do. Both of them share this condescending attitude.

Senator Tim Scott is right – PARENTS should always be in charge of their kids. The analogy is that they get to delegate their responsibility to the Government when THEY want to – and have the responsibility to take it back when it is necessary to do so for whatever reason they see fit.

Like over this:

GrokPAC Mailer 2022 NH House campaign

We should ask Jeanne Dietsch if she and her brother approve of porn in NH Public School Libraries…

(H/T: BizPac Review)

