Are You On the List of Right Wing Extremists in New Hampshire (I Am! - And I'm in Excellent Company) [Updated] - Granite Grok

Are You On the List of Right Wing Extremists in New Hampshire (I Am! – And I’m in Excellent Company) [Updated]

This will probably go over well, but not in the intended manner. NH Democrat Jeanne Dietsch recently shared a link to a working list of what is called anti-democracy extremists in the Granite State. I see a lot of errors in the list, not the least of which will be the people who are not on it but would like to be.

There are over 500 names and some other details, and it is a whos-who of limited government, individual rights-type liberty supporters (with a few exceptions). People who think that you – common citizen – know better than, say, Jeanne Dietsch. Those who want the government to be small and local and to leave you and your family alone to do your thing, which, to a Marxist like Dietsch, is extreme. I won’t deny that.

There is a read-only Google Doc version here, or you can look below – sorted by town, the town in which they believe the “extremist” lives. And as with the Extreme 16 (back in the day), I expect a few folks will want to know why they are not on the list. No worries, just send her the details, and I’m sure she’ll add you to her list of anti-democracy radicals.

By the way, Jeanne, I live in Merrimack. And Jeff Chidester MC’d Groktoberfest. I was just a speaker at my own fundraiser.

[update] Granite State Matters (Dietsch’s website) has apparently locked down the list (tee hee), but fear not: we grabbed it and saved it in a spreadsheet you can view here. Note: The original was stored in a publicly accessible read-only Google doc.

Here is our slightly edited PDF version formatted for the blog space. You can get the entire spreadsheet here.

Dietsch List of Extremists in NH

