Mike Moffet At Redskins game

Indians, Indignation, and Intolerance

Where can I get me a Cleveland Guardians tee-shirt? The Guardians, née Indians, are the new symbols of the Cleveland Baseball Team. But at least the Cleveland Baseball Team has a nickname, which makes that franchise better off than the Washington Football Team, née Redskins.

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Tamara Meyer Le

Foul Mouthed Intolerance and Hate

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch issued a statement after reviewing a Facebook post by Rep. Tamara Le (D-North Hampton), where she says, “F**k private and religious schools.” Rep. Tamara Le is a member of the House Education Committee. The post has since been deleted, but a screenshot is attached.

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Islamic Basics.

Why Does Islam Stay Around?

Islam is a theocracy. It is not truly a religion. A better description is a worldview or a civilization view. There is a religious component, a requirement for submission as an act of faith. The basis of its exercise is the use of police power accompanying Sharia, which is a legal code.

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Outrage Required. No Kindness, Friendship or Tolerance Allowed

No Kindness, Friendship or Tolerance Allowed

Outrage Required. No Kindness, Friendship or Tolerance Allowed. Does it just make you angry when someone you don’t agree with very much says something really good? Well, Ellen DeGeneres is guilty of extending a hand in friendship. That is a good thing. What’s worse is, it is logically consistent with her values and principles. While … Read more

Uncle Joe Says… If they Oppose My Plan, Put Them in Jail

Joe Biden suggested at the debate that some insurance executives should be jailed. It seems Biden holds them responsible for having a role in the opioid crisis. Biden’s remarks came as he was talking about his health care plan. Uncle Joe is the former vice president and is a 2020 presidential contender. The quote: Biden … Read more

Survey Of Islamic Beliefs and Practices

Introduction The three Pew Research surveys compiled and analyzed by the Muslim Global Demographic Project encompass about 1.1 billion Muslims. That is about two-thirds of the global Muslim population. Those Muslims live in 39 countries. Not every country was polled in all of the survey questions. What follows is a compilation of the studies’ findings. … Read more

Quick Thought: CNN gets it wrong again!

SHOT: CNN Sports Says Social Justice Warrior Athletes Seen as Less than Human CHASER: Wrong.  It’s not “…Less than Human“. It IS “More annoying than Humanly possible” Again, I used to watch as an ESCAPE from politics rather than being preached at from a Socialist viewpoint.  Why would I lend my eyeballs and money in supporting … Read more

Left-Wing Intolerance And Extremism is Driving Democrats From The Party

#WalkAwayThe media is committed to selling the story that the Republicans are divided when, in fact, it is the Democrat Party that is in the throes of a full-blown civil war. The first “public” signs of wide-spread division showed themselves when Bernie Sanders challenged The Clinton Machine.

The threat that Bernie could rob Hillary of another nomination was so real that the DNC, CNN, and others fixed the primaries. The media ignored the scandals (not just because they were complicit) and the outrage, as well as a rift that kept getting bigger. And then Hillary Lost.

A loss that institutionalized open hatred and derision for anyone (including registered Democrats) who was not at progressive outrage level 11 all day and every day.

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