This is old news in the digital age (it happened over the weekend) but always relevant to my thesis that the supremacy ideology of the left is lying about diversity. The equality narrative is a lie.
Sure, you can be whatever sex, age, race, occupation, or national origin you want. But the Left will only embrace your speech if you think as they do.
Their diversity ends where your ideas begin. Demonstrated here by Debra Messing.
She got back up from a costar, and others, which makes the point more poignant. The party that triggers its base with fears of McCarthyesque tactics is all in on same. But they always were. The only change is the absence of subtlety.
Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.
— Eric McCormack (@EricMcCormack) August 30, 2019
In the heightened hyperbolic atmosphere of media, both new and social, bombastic broadsides are both welcome and elevated. It is the currency of the realm, as is the pushback that such remarks inevitably attract.
You’ll Find Hate in Your Mirror if you Look
Antifa is embraced as necessary violence because it encourages self-censorship. That is entirely its reason to exist.
Locally we have Democrats in Nashua and New Hampshire who can’t say the name of this web site or must preface it with the word hate. Personal and professional threats are tossed at us. Not just to end debate and silence opposition but to prevent us from sharing the actual votes and words of elected Democrats.
But that’s the entire purpose of the first amendment. To speak about the government without fear of retribution by the government.
And while the Left is proud of their thuggish activism, they must not be proud of their own words and deeds. Otherwise, they would praise us for sharing them so widely.
There’s no hate here at GraniteGrok just a difference of opinion. We’ve never threatened anyone. Even the cartoon that supposedly triggered Merrimack Dems (in bad taste or not) was non-partisan. Only in their arrogance and rush to suppress platforms that they oppose did they presume it was meant for them because we shared their tweets and updates and (gasp!) voting records.
Sorry, you’re not that special. But there’s a lesson to be learned. Not a single Republican, RINO, Libertarian, Independent, or Moderate, (all of whom have been objects of our attention and sarcasm, much worse than anything you’ve ever had to endure), ever assumed it was about them. Not one.
If reason even plays a role, assuming the worst allows the Democrats to look the other way when masked thugs beat activists with whom Democrats disagree. To smile and hope and that a Hurricane wipes out a political opponent’s property even if millions of innocent lives are at risk or ruined.
Any life that poses a threat to their politics is worthy of sacrifice to their angry god even if it costs the lives of others.
Messing and McCormack have lost their way.
Blacklisting is a famous turn of phrase in part because of Hollywood. And while both are capable actors, neither appears able to pretend that didn’t happen or that they are suggesting similar methods for those with whom they disagree politically.
Of course, McCarthy turned out to be right. There was an extensive infiltration of communists in America and the government. These days they call themselves Democrat Socialists (including in Hollywood). And try as hard as they can to insist that they are all about diversity while working to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them.
Sometimes with the “subtlety” (cough-cough) of Messing and McCormack.
Other times, just like communists.
Note that, in the end, there is no difference between them.
| RedState