Yes, Dear Readers, It’s Time for the Next Installment of the Hypocrisy of the Left.

Does anyone remember four years of “resist”? While I was never completely sure what was to be resisted, it was a popular slogan. It was patriotic. It was virtuous. Now we are asked to comply without question. Resisting or protesting is “terrorism” or some such thing.

Did I miss the memo?

Former President Trump is being investigated for the allegedly improper handling of documents. Whatever happened to the Secretary of State who had an unauthorized server from which 30,000 emails were wiped (like with a cloth)?

Speaking of the former Secretary of State, how is that Russian collusion thing going? Looked in the mirror lately? Your team seems to be at the center of that.

When medical marijuana was being legalized in several states, various people reminded us that the drug was still illegal on a federal level. Why are several cities (e.g., NYC, Philadelphia) installing or planning to install “safe injection sites”? Doesn’t that contradict the federal prohibitions? The Biden administration’s HHS is planning to distribute millions of dollars of “safe smoking kits” for crack. Does that seem hypocritical to you?

Shall we talk about the open southern border with unvetted people swarming across and being flown to places across the US with the vaccine passport requirements in New York City and other places?

Remember when Sen. Ted Cruz was castigated for traveling to a warmer clime with his family during the big freeze in Texas? (Like he was going to travel house to house with propane space heaters or something?) Compare that with Rep. AOC’s trip to mask-less Florida with her mask-less boyfriend while her constituents were still suffering from mask mandates. The media implored us to be reasonable. Her response was that Republicans just want to have sex with her. (Look it up.)

Let’s take a dip in the COVID pool, shall we?

Has anyone noticed that positions that mere months ago would get the speaker banned for “misinformation” from our neutral social media platforms are now “OK”? Some of them have been touted by the DCD and Johns Hopkins.

I have been asking for almost 2 years if listed COVID deaths were from COVID or with COVID. Now the CDC is going to be revising those numbers. I also said that masks are more of an obstacle than a barrier (from 25 years in the OR). If you want a barrier, you need a full-face respirator. (Masks perched on top of a full beard provides near-zero protection.) And the commonly seen cloth masks also provide near-zero protection.

Who can forget how Florida governor De Santis was called “Death Santis” for not locking down and masking his state? Do we remember that closed California had similar numbers of cases and deaths, even though that state has a younger average age? What is being said about Democratic governors announcing that they will open up and eliminate mask mandates? They’re just following the science. Check out the Johns Hopkins study on the uselessness of restrictions.

Imagine a world where an “abandoned” laptop owned by Don Trump, Jr. would be treated the same as one owned by Hunter Biden. Nope, too much of a fantasy.

Mr . Miller (Laconia Sun 2/10) et al should beware of advice that has come from a doctor. Surgeon General Murthy told us that we “have a right to accurate information…”. Our government is the entity whose been giving us inaccurate information. I believe that Lord Fauci, peace be upon him, has considered lifting restrictions by 2050 (when the oceans are supposed to have risen by 10 – 15′).

Things are so out there that the Babylon Bee is no longer satire—it’s reporting.



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