Grok new Graphic

This is a Big Ask But We Need Your Help!

Did you know that GraniteGrok is on the edge of an existential crisis? Okay, that’s a bit hyperbolic, but we are confronted with a situation that could handicap our ability to deliver content the way we have in the past on the cusp of another significant election year.

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Continuing to dominate the political bandwidth in New Hampshire means we try things, and they do not always work as planned. Auto-opening in a new tab when you click any link, for example. We did away with that after a month or so.

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More Ways You Can Help Us Spread the Message…

In the blink of an internet eye, and more often than ever, we are able to take stories nationally. It could be a Grok author or an Op-Ed but this is happening with greater frequency. Just imagine your stuck-up school board story going national? Do you like that idea? Well, here’s how you can help.

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Under construction

Please Excuse Our Virtual Dust

If you find this site momentarily inaccessible, keep trying. We are in the process of dealing with some back-end changes to improve page-load speed. We’ve got a few ideas including changing features to the home page that may be dragging on page load time.

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Grok_badge GraniteGrok Logo

Chris Maidment is NOT an Admin at

There’s a rumor going around since I launched the new EC5 Poll. That Christopher Maidment, who works for the Wheeler Campaign, is an Admin at The implication is that this will allow him to manipulate the poll results. Not that he could if he was, but Chris is not an Admin.

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CNHT Picnic – The Advocacy Groups Part 3

by Skip

Next batch of Groups! GraniteGrok – Skip Murphy Republican Liberty Caucus of NH (“RLCNH”) – Spec Bowers 603 Alliance – Jim Kofalt House Republican Alliance (“HRA”) – Carol McGuire   OK, GraniteGrok isn’t quite the normal advocacy group compared to all the others that spoke at CNHT’s Annual Picnic.  Most are single issue groups: Education, … Read more

Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

An Open Letter to Our Wonderful Attorney General

Dear Mr. Attorney General: The Nashua School Board is preventing its staff and students from accessing If you haven’t already read about it, you can read all about it HEREand HERE. To state the obvious, is being censored by the Nashua School Board for political reasons: Why block us? There has to be … Read more

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