CNHT Picnic – The Advocacy Groups Part 3

by Skip

Next batch of Groups!

GraniteGrok – Skip Murphy

Republican Liberty Caucus of NH (“RLCNH”) – Spec Bowers

603 Alliance – Jim Kofalt

House Republican Alliance (“HRA”) – Carol McGuire


OK, GraniteGrok isn’t quite the normal advocacy group compared to all the others that spoke at CNHT’s Annual Picnic.  Most are single issue groups: Education, Liberty in Legislation, our Right to know what our government is doing (or doing to us), teaching our Constitution, and the rest.  We talk about it all as a blogsite that does citizen journalism.  If once supposes that we are an “advocacy group”, then it is about our Individual Liberty, Freedom, and Rights acting as the lens in which we interpret current events in the political and cultural realm.

And yeah, we have ‘tudes as we do so!

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