The Top Three Most Viewed Posts on for 2020…

It’s the end of the year, and we’re at the end of the top ten. Our annual look at what you, our readers, spent the most time, well, reading. What got the most page views from among the 4600 odd new publish posts for 2020?

Related: What You Clicked and Read the Most During the 2020 COVID Apocolypse Year- Part II


#3  Trump’s Feds Rumored to Have Issued Nearly 180,000 Sealed Criminal Indictments

Published in July, this is the only content in the top three from 2020, but it’s there because it was back in the Grok Top 5 today. It has been the repeated trips (organic search hits) that made it popular in the past 24-hours (that’s how the top 5 works) that made it the number three most viewed post of 2020.



#2 What Would Happen Under Martial Law In The United States?

What would happen? This content has also benefited from organic search. Originally published in Nov of 2018, those clicks pushed it to number 2 in the 2020 list of most viewed posts.

“What would happen if martial law were declared in your city or potentially even across the whole country? Well, there are a number of things that are going to happen…”


 #1 World Wildlife Federation Paid $70,000 to Activists who Set Fire to Amazon Forest

From November of 2019, this story introduced us to some folks who were alleged to have set fires in the Amazon after taking money from the World Wildlife Federation. A story that continues to attract attention over a year later, making it this year’s most viewed post in 2020.
“We started to track the movement of the four suspects. We realized that their legal entity got a contract with WWF, sold 40 images to WWF for exclusive use for $ 70,000, and WWF got donations from actor Leonardo DiCaprio worth $ 500,000 to assist NGOs in combat burning in the Amazon. ”


As I noted on Life with Liz yesterday, tomorrow morning will not flip a switch politically. You’ll wake up to the same batch of liars and tyrants as we have today. But that’s no reason it can’t inspire you to flip a switch of your own.

If you are interested in doing more politically, we’d love to be (or continue to be) a part of that. To connect you to people and groups with shared interests. And to help you share stories, no other media will cover or cover honestly with the sort of reach no one else has.

I’d also like to thank everyone who joined us this year or shared our content and comment. We look forward to the challenge of continuing to earn your attention.

Happy New Year!


Part II (7, 6, 5, and 4)
Part I (10, 9, and 8)

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