Still Wrestling with the Union Leader for NH’s #1 Online Print Media Portal

It’s fun to revisit this now and again, mostly because of the alarm it sounds in the hearts and minds of Democrats. How in the world could that (!#/*%$!) site be getting as much online traffic as the Union Leader? This won’t help, but sometimes we get more.

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After last weekend (it was a good weekend) we briefly overtook them. Nothing like the four months we held the spot last year, but it’s something. And we’ve passed them a few times this year but only for a few days here and there. At present they are a few “websites” ahead of us, but we’re right behind them in domestic rank.

It always feels good to say that, more so since we got throttled by the Fakebook Social media speech police in early February. Our content is being constricted on that platform, and we’re still doing this well.

No other old media has that handicap, but maybe because of that, we’re working harder to find and retain a wider audience.

NOTE:  “(!#/*%$!) site” – Every time Steve (Sorry, Steve, I could not help myself in sliding in here) puts these numbers up, I just have a smirk on my face. I keep thinking “they are multi-million $$$ operations – we’re still just a ragtag bunch of rebellious, Constitutionally grounded volunteers armed with more than just opinions. All on a budget of about $250/month. IMAGINE what we could do with just a few thou a month!  I gotta think about that for a bit…  – Skip

There are some steady climbers and decliners in this ranking report. LibertyBlock NH is fourth, behind NHPR. SeacoastOnline has moved up while NH Journal slid a bit in Alexa rank since we last looked.

The Nashua Telegraph, which dropped its print edition, has fallen from not high to begin with to lousy. The online model is not working out for them. They are down to 11th on our list, just ahead of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.

That said, there’s one factor that messed with everyone. Lockdowns and quarantines put a lot of eyeballs online, but that only made the competition for attention more fierce. These increased views to thousands of other sites move everyone’s ranking, so there’s no real way to say if these changes are a trend or a blip.

We can say with some confidence, having been in first or second for over a year now, that we feel good about the foundation upon which we are standing. That does not mean we’ve gotten complacent. The push to deliver unique content and commentary continues. We cover stories and angles you don’t see in other places.

We will continue to let that focus drive us until we take number one and keep it.

With your help, of course.

Here are the Alexa Online traffic numbers sorted by US Rank as of the afternoon of 7-22-2020

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
Union leader 20,181 81,081
GraniteGrok 20,587 95,622 27,662 100,957
Liberty Block 30,405 161,304
SeacoastOnline 35,204 124,083
Concord Monitor 48,109 163,401
NH Journal 54,862 179,104
Fosters Daily Democrat 71,459 219,688
Keene Sentinel 95,512 161,413
Conway/Berlin Daily Sun 120,149 460,868
Nashua Telegraph 127,269 282,340
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript 151,809 493,772




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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