Kamala Harris US Africa remarks - eeek

Kamala Explains The Climate Anxiety Theory

Kamala Harris, the Czar of Czars, has all the answers. She has solved why today’s young parents resist having children. You would think it has to do with economics or that today’s offspring will be the first generation of Americans to have a lower quality of life than their parents.

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Gaslight street light original Photo by Renè Müller on Unsplash

Dems Turn Up the Gas. Gaslight That is.

Gaslight (verb). To cause (a person) to doubt their sanity through psychological manipulation. Gaslighting is a technique used by people who fail to meet expectations to distract from reality. This action is taking place at all levels of government but is most effective at State and Federal levels because those get the media attention. That … Read more

Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Baby at 23 weeks

The Lies the Republicans Tell Each Other!

I just read an email from Cornerstone (a Conservative Christian group) Executive Director, @Shannon McGinley. It was titled “Let’s Party!” Apparently, Cornerstone wants us to Celebrate the Governor signing the budget omnibus bill which included a (much to do about nothing) abortion ban.

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Patriot with AR-15 1

Notable Quote – Operation Gaslight-to-the-End?

by Skip

Their tactics…our response? Reformatted, emphasis mine: …This event was complicated.  Among other things, it highlighted how differently the police may respond to one group and not another. Antifa and BLM were allowed to destroy huge swaths of many cities across America, rioting with impunity using firearms, bats, bricks, fireworks, Molotov cocktails, fists, and just about anything you … Read more

Dirty Dan Feltes

Dan Feltes is Trapped in a Political Box Canyon of His Own Making

Remember back when Ted Cruz was persona non grata among his fellow Republican Senators because he had convinced House Republicans to defund Obamacare, which led to a government shutdown … how his critics kept saying that Cruz had led Republicans into a political “box canyon”? Well … I don’t know if that really was so … Read more

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