
Donald Trump Opens Over 700,000 Acres for Oil and Gas Drilling…In California

The Trump Administration’s Bureau of Land Management has opened up 720,000 acres for mineral development in California. Fracking leases for oil and gas.

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Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul May Have a Ukraine Energy Connection/Scandal Too!

A new name can be added to the exciting cabal of likely Ukraine-Democrat corruption. Paul Pelosi. Paul is the son of politician/millionaire Speaker of the US House, Nancy Pelosi. And Paul has an energy company with dealings in Ukraine.

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Isn’t It Time to ‘Blame’ Trump for Gas Prices NOT Going Up?

One of the great things about being around for so long is that we’ve got a massive archive. Years of reporting and links about Democrat behavior. Like how the moment gas prices inch up they yell at Republicans and claim they are shills enriching big oil.

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Why Are Anti-Frackers Defending Biden’s Ukraine Gas ‘Problem’?

It’s become clear that the White House Ukraine leaker (a CIA plant) was used to create a second collusion narrative. The purpose, like the original, is to pin left-Wing malfeasance to Donald Trump and hope the truth gets lost in the noise.

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Energy Policy: Democrats Must Love Middle Eastern Wars

The initial reaction to the Iranian backed strike against their Saudi enemies energy infrastructure was a 20% spike in oil. That lasted a day. Prices quickly dropped and a week later oil prices remain stable.

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Oil Jumps 20% Day After Attack on Saudis – But The Price is Already Sliding Back

You can still get gas for $2.19 a gallon in my town even after Iranian proxies attacked a major Saudi oil facility. But for how long? Within a day the average price for a barrel of oil shot up 20%, which sounds like a lot until you realize that only lifts it to $70.00 per barrel.

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Elizabeth Warren’s Promise to Hurt the Poor and Make America Dependent on Our Enemies Again

A Quick take from this week’s program: Elizabeth Warren has a plan for American Energy dependence. She’s promised to implement it on day one if elected. It’s bad for you, job creators, the poor, and America, but it’s great news for our enemies.

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offshore wind farms

NH Gov. Chris Sununu Signing Bill to Ban Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling (But He Likes Wind!)

Easy money, no up-front taxpayer backstops, and a resource people want and need. So, sure, let’s ban it. That’s the plan according to a report from US News. Gov. Sununu is banning oil and gas drilling off the coast of New Hampshire.

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Crude Oil Price Jun 2019

Summer Lovin’ Happened so Fa-ast – Oil Prices Dropping, But Can it La-ah-ast?

Last summer the price of oil did something it does around Memorial Day. It spiked. Democrats declared doom for the economy, and it was President Trump’s fault.

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Solar farm

New Mexico’s “Green New Deal” and Their Oil for Education Funding Dilemma

New Mexico’s gun-grabbing governor just signed the Energy Transition Act. This bold and innovative grasp at the impossible requires the state to shift to 50% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by 2045. A state that relies on massive amounts of oil and gas revenue to fund public education.

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Oil well pump Oil and GDP

USGS Identifies Largest Continuous Oil and Gas Resource Potential Ever

USGS Estimates Include 46.3 Billion Barrels of Oil, 281 Trillion Cubic feet of Natural Gas, and 20 Billion Barrels of Natural Gas Liquids in Texas and New Mexico’s Wolfcamp Shale and Bone Spring Formation. WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced the Wolfcamp Shale and overlying Bone Spring Formation in the Delaware Basin … Read more

US Oil Exports Increase 80% in 2018 – “Fuel” Job Growth and Economic Recovery

Bakken Oil Rig – North Dakota

Mr. Obama did a little dance the other day repeating the Trump Derangement Syndrome Narratives while taking credit for the Republican’s Economic recovery. Does that mean that Barry is laying claim to this economic boon?

U.S. crude oil exports saw an 80 percent increase in the first half of 2018 compared to the same period last year, according to the latest data and analysis issued Thursday by the Energy Information Administration.

That’s an increase of 787,000 barrels per day, to set a new monthly record in June of 2.2 million barrels on average per day.

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Governor Maggie “Fracking” Hassan

We are right to assume that Democrats favor subsidies for green energy projects, redistribution schemes like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and renewable energy standards that use government force to require power providers to buy more expensive wind and solar derived electricity to put it into the grid, because they supported, voted for, and … Read more

Ask New Hampshire Democrats…About Gas Prices

Nothing says ‘we have no principles whatsoever’ like a crowd of screeching banshees gone silent when the shoe is on the other foot. If you’ve failed to notice, this happens to Democrats often, and no example is more prominent than gas prices.

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“Promised Land” – It’s Fracking Paid for in Part By Arab Oil & Gas Interests

About Uber-leftist Matt Damon’s new film about the evil American oil and gas industry… A new film starring Matt Damon presents American oil and natural gas producers as money-grubbing villains purportedly poisoning rural American towns. It is therefore of particular note that it is financed in part by the royal family of the oil-rich United … Read more

Data Point – gas inflation over the last 10 years

(H/T:  Business Insider)

What was That Obama Said About Production Being Up?

I think Mr. Obama said something about us drilling more now than before he was president.  Drilling for what, Bull S**t? And just to reiterate a point I, and many others, have made previously about “subsidies, tax breaks, and special Federal deals for energy companies, and let me add ‘any’ companies–don’t just stop subsidies for … Read more

How About Those Gas Prices?

“As you know, the government takes 40 percent of what you make. The other 60 percent, of course, taken by the gas stations.” — Jay Leno

Is this You?Been to a Gas Station Lately? Prices have spiked markedly in the last two weeks. For those of us driving Sport Utility Vehicles the effect is most pronounced. Just this week it cost nearly eighty dollars to fill my Ford Explorer’s fuel tank. It was nearly a year ago when President Obama quipped,

“If you’re complaining about the price of gas, and you’re only getting 8 miles to the gallon… you may wanna think about a trade-in”

Yes. I’s an SUV….but show me a “clown car” with the performance benefits of an SUV. Fact is, there isn’t one. It appears that Obama believes middle America has the means to expend all the funds necessary to lower gasoline costs and improve efficiency. The President may well be right, but he overlooks the considerable cost one has to undertake to achieve that end.

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Obama Gas – Does He Own This Too?

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Obama – Campaign 2012 Prep-Talk!

Obama%202012.JPGThe Obama campaign has released it’s "trailer" for the 2012 campaign movie called "I’m In."  I’m not, but since they sent it to me I figured I’d watch it. Jim Messina, Obama’s campaign manager, clues us in, and the first slide he shows us is this one.

My mind translated these five points into "truths" almost immediately–which is what encouraged me to write this post.

1. Register more illegal aliens, cartoon characters, and dead people.

2. Make up more names–useful as both voters and undisclosed credit card donors.

3.  Use that money to buy more astroturfers.

4.  Figure out if we need to register more fake names, and get more illegal contributions to buy more astroturfers.

5. If we don’t think we can steal it just intimidate whitey–no one will prosecute.

So right out of the gate we’ve got possibilities.  Unfortunately, the remaining discussion and slides, while exciting to whatever Obamazombies may still have the juice to lie and deceive for dear leader, and more like an Amway sales pitch with lots of talk about how new and different this campaign is, but how they’ll have to do the same things they did before–just better.

One problem.  Obama has a record that his supporters and the media cannot hide.  So be prepared to listen to the horde of left wing liars as they spread like a disease across your neighborhood to sell Obama 2.0.

My suggestion?  Ask them the questions the media never did.  Challenge every assumption.  give them facts, and send them away crying behind their clip-boards.

The entire video is available on the jump.

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