The Trump Administration’s Bureau of Land Management has opened up 720,000 acres for mineral development in California. Fracking leases for oil and gas.
Overall, BLM will make 680,000 acres of federal mineral estate available for leasing with controlled surface use stipulations and another roughly 42,000 acres available with no surface occupancy requirements.
The left-coast libs are, naturally, unhappy.
“Turning over these spectacular wild places to dirty drilling and fracking will sicken Californians, harm endangered species and fuel climate chaos. We’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure it doesn’t happen,” said Clare Lakewood, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that had sued the BLM in 2013.
And fight they will, which is sad. Modern fracking has a very low surface impact, and based on the lease limitations, the footprint will be regulated and monitored. Blocking this expansion will sideline a lot of jobs and keep productive wealth generation off the books. That includes money that would make its way into local economies and generate tax revenue for Sacramento’s greedy government.
But this is California. It’s more important to prevent cleaner natural gas development than stopping San Francisco from dumping raw sewage into the ocean.