Golden Book AOC Racism

Notable Quote – Equity does not mean Equality

by Skip

“[E]quity,” (is) a euphemism for racial, gender and other discrimination. It’s the opposite of equal opportunity, it’s demanding equal results even if it means discriminating against some people on the basis of race, ethnicity or other immutable factors.

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fundamentally and violently transforming

Fundamentally and Violently Transforming

The Left is hellbent, though, on fundamentally and violently transforming America. Remember all the way back to last year. Feminists were celebrating women’s equality. They were declaring #TheFutureIsFemale; now men can be women by simply claiming the title. This is just one more example of exactly how ignorant smart phones are making us. The internet … Read more

Fainting Woman

Female Democrats Complain Over Being Treated….. EQUALLY

File this in the ‘you can’t make this stuff up’ folder folks. Female Democrat Representatives Jan Schmidt and Rosemarie Rung (two of the worst reps at the NH State House) are complaining for being treated….. seriously… not even kidding… EQUALLY. They apparently don’t like to be held accountable, as elected officials, for their votes, actions … Read more

American flag cracks

Shaking our Faith in the “American creed”

Watching TV this weekend, the contrasts could not have been more shocking to the human conscience. Hoodlum anarchist Gen-Z’ers and Millennials looting and rioting across America in supposed “protest” to the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on one hand.

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John Locke

Of the State of War

Locke’s third chapter is on the State of War. It is an expository on the concept presented in the previous chapter regarding when one individual broaches another’s right to life, liberty and property. In the Of the State of Nature, we learned that one person broaches another’s natural rights he declares himself an enemy to … Read more

State Senate Committee Votes to End NH Democrat Efforts at Repealing Education Equality

From Facebook:

Senator Andy Sanborn reports fabulous news!! –> the Senate Health, Education, and Human Services Committee voted to kill HB370, so that’s a win for parents and school choice!!!

The Senate will still have to vote on the recommendation to kill the repeal effort but this is a very positive signal.   And I I get to say ‘…Democrats attempt to repeal education equality.‘  That’ll have the leftocrats foaming at the mouth and spraying spittle on their keyboards as they attempt to translate their outrage into smears and slurs.

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