Women Soccer Players have sued the League for paying women less than men to play professional soccer. As an American, I could care less, but since one of the “front men” for this exercise is angry-lesbian culture warrior Megan Rapinoe I feel compelled to comment.
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World Cup Champ Rapinoe has been very vocal about the difference in pay and benefits, which I’ve suggested have nothing to do with the sex of the athlete and everything to do with entertainment value. Professional athletes are talented, gifted, and exemplify a level of commitment and dedication to success I would admire in any human being. It’s inspirational. But at the end of the day, they are paid to be entertainers.
League and team owners invest in a product for sale. The return on the product determines its value. I don’t watch or follow soccer but as the most popular sport globally, billions of people I will never meet have decided they like to watch men play the sport more than women.
Rapinoe and company are suing the league for salary discrimination when they should sue the Globalists. And while that might be fun to watch it is probably impractical. So, as the headline indicates, I have a better solution.
Since it is discriminatory to even assume someone is male or female end the distinction. No more men’s or women’s soccer, just professional soccer (though that strikes me as no less elitist and ripe for picking as well).
Since this is essentially gender socialism and the GOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!! is equality, there should be no difference in pay for any player regardless of performance. Everyone gets the same flat rate. Whatever number the newly created and incredibly expensive to run UN Commission on Athletic equity and Reimbursement decides.
These changes should include new rules on endorsement deals. It is unfair that some “athletes” get millions to wear a certain pair of shoes while others, probably wearing the same shoes, get nothing.
All proceeds from these deals and any merchandising will go to the UN who will first assess a 90% tax to fight climate change. After additional handling fees and administrative costs the balance will be disbursed equally among all active players regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, ability, playing time, or any other factors.
We’re all in this together, comrade!
The estimated payout, zero dollars.
You are not allowed to quit, give up, or leave.
This is socialism, after all.
Sure, Professional soccer as we understand it will come to an end but everyone and everything will be equal.
And that’s all that really matters, right?