Castration? You would think so to hear the rhetoric and demagoguery, but no. (Did you happen to notice ‘Dem’ at the beginning of Demagoguery?) Uh-huh, It’s true.
Give back a few pennies on the dollar and the Left insists the world could end. Sounds like lousy management to me. Well, OK
But why is the Federal Government still hiring people for these job
The sequester cuts are now officially in place, but many government agencies appear to be hiring freely anyway. TheU.S. Forest Service on Monday posted help-wanted ads for a few good men and women to work as “recreation aides” this summer, theInternal Revenue Serviceadvertised for an office secretary in Maryland, the U.S. Mint wanted 24 people to help
press coins, and the Agriculture Departmentsaid it needs three “insect production workers” to help grow bollworms in Phoenix.
Monday marked the first regular workday under sequestration, and federal agencies posted more than 400 job ads by 6 p.m.
Hey, let’s lay off border patrol agents and firefighters so we can grow bollworms and hire ‘recreation aids” Riiiight!
So here’s a video. Let’s hope it doesn’t inspire radicals to attack an embassy or something.