The Shrill Kathy Spins the Early Primary Notion

“I think it’s your own choice if you turn from an angry young man to a bitter, old bastard.” —Billie Joe Armstrong


In yet another Cacophonous rant from the “Shrill Kathy” The Union Leader gave her space and ink yesterday to tell readers “why” a December primary will benefit Democrats and hurt Republicans. But, the title is about the only thing she got right and the remaining 782-word pablum was her usual diatribe against the opposition: Those with an “R” next to their names.

The “Shrill Kathy” suggests that “mere insistence” by Florida and Nevada are the mechanisms driving a December primary and makes no mention of the New Hampshire statute (N.H. RSA 659:3) which states in part, “The presidential primary election shall be held on the second Tuesday in March or on a date selected by the secretary of state which is seven days or more immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election, whichever is earlier … ” So Kathy…it is not “more likely” as you put it, but mandated by statute that the Granite State goes first.

Next the, “Shrill Kathy” takes a pot shot at New Hampshire GOP Chairman Wayne McDonald suggesting he is somehow responsible for the decision Bill Gardner will make that is mandated by state statute.  She asserts, “As Party chairman, (McDonald) needs to answer to the Republican National Committee, which considers a December primary a violation of its rules.” The nexus of the Shrill Kathy’s assertion is hoping that Bill Gardner will change his mind…not Nevada, Not Florida, Not the RNC, but Bill Gardner. Being no fan of Ray Buckley, I can honestly tell you one of Buckley’s shinier moments was his advocacy to maintain New Hampshire’s first in the nation primary status. But make no mistake about it…it was the Democrat primary that was in play then…Do take note his silence now.

What do we really glean from this? Kathy Sullivan does not give a hoot about New Hampshire first in the Nation primary status. Carefully reading her pablumesque diatribe, we readily deduce this was not about primaries, but more about her endless and inane pedestrian attacks on the party she opposes.

The “Shrill Kathy” implies that it is somehow the exclusive province of Wayne McDonald to get the primary back to January. And in so declaring, goes on to tell readers how wonderful an early primary is for New Hampshire’s Democrats.  Yet, another example why the “Shrill Kathy” is so full of herself and overstates what she tries to pass off as analysis. First, we all know that Democrats don’t vote in Republican primaries, save for those who adopt the, “win at any cost” approach and register as Republicans to vote. Second, the Shrill Kathy’s attempt to worry Republicans seldom ever works and because she writes so often, few really take her seriously. People only pay attention when she raises her voice to a decibel level equal to gunfire. (Right, Dave Carney?) And in that effect it’s just merely funny and entertaining.

The Shrill Kathy thinks an early primary, “means at least six weeks less of incessant criticism of President Obama in the state by the Republican candidates.” Ah yes..I have to concede that point to her. But I am not clear about her context. Does that mean she is tired of it and wished we’d all shut up? or is she having a tough time facing the hard cold facts in the face?  a President whose deficit spending has put us on the road of financial collapse? Who gave us the financially unsustainable Obamacare? Who gave us continued high unemployment? OWS? A nation never so divided along racial lines, the list just goes on.

And of course, a Shrill Kathy rant would be replete if it lacked yet another shot at local politicians like Speaker O’Brien and Senate President Peter Bragdon.  Those gratuitous snippets are the ones that “out” her motivation for writing.

Finally,  the “Shrill Kathy” lauds the, “entertainment opportunities provided by some of the Republican candidates mentioning Michele Bachmann’s reference to the “shot heard ‘round the world’” That is the one thing I agree with the Shrill Kathy on…it was truly entertaining…I would say even as equally entertaining as President Obummer’s reference to Navy “Corpse-men” and his visits “to fifty-seven states, with one to go.”  My all-time favorite is, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.”  President Obama should have followed that with, “Thank you! I’ll be here all week!”  So while I get it, I also get the myopic Shrill Kathy view that, “Republicans are dumb.”  Well here’s a newsflash for you, Shrill….Some Democrats are dumb to, but your sweethearts in the liberal lame stream media don’t report it nearly as much.

There is but one conclusion to which we all agree…is that these rants come from a consistent source. The lunatic mouthpiece of the New Hampshire Democratic party, Kathy Sullivan. The same Democratic party that spent the heck out of the state budget, and still yet, advocates for more spending, cash cows and goodies for their patron constituencies…the same Norelli crowd that seeks to curtail our liberties, inject themselves into our families medical decisions, tax us out of business, and give us a cradle to grave nanny state, and decide the state should take the place of parents. Oh, and by the way, Shrill, where was it that Geoff Wetrosky lived again?


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  • Rick Olson

    Rick Olson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a BA in Social Science. Rick subsequently attended Massachusetts School of Law in Andover MA. Rick takes up second amendment issues on Granite Grok, as well as issues surrounding hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife issues. Rick Olson is a former Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff. He is Past President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club  Rick is a nationally certified firearms instructor and a Hunter Education Instructor. He can frequently be found teaching Urban Rifle and Defensive Pistol classes as an Instructor with Defensive Strategies in Goffstown, NH.  Rick resides in Manchester with his wife Lisa. He has four children and ten Grandchildren.

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