Is Kamala Harris in over Her Head?

The vice president has come under widespread withering criticism following her recent disastrous interview with Lester Holt and that contrived expedition to Guatemala and Mexico to uncover the “root causes” of the border crisis.

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It’s not chess; it’s just the classic shell game

USA Today recently ran a lengthy article analyzing the challenges that President Biden faces as he deals with the immigration problem on our southern border.  Written by an ensemble of well-respected journalists, the piece was entitled “High-level chess”: How Biden is navigating his relationship with Mexico’s President ‘AMLO.’  The article was accompanied by a photo … Read more

Golden Opportunity

Democrats Go for the Gold

America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been unprecedented.  The complete shutdown of our national economy is truly historic.  Not since World War II have Americans experienced such widespread anxiety, unrest, and economic hardship.

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Media Irresponsibility

by Don

The editorial in Friday’s The Citizen, reprinted from the Concord Monitor was totally irresponsible.  So, I submitted the following as community commentary to The Citizen, and something similar to the Concord Monitor.  I doubt they will publish my input:


Please check the attribution of The Citizen’s April 13, 2012 editorial, titled, “A budget to widen nation‘s income gap.“  If it really came from the Concord Monitor, please check to see if they have replaced their editorial staff with the Democrat National Committee.   I am shocked that our respected local paper would print such a partisan and totally non-constructive editorial.

The editorial calls the Ryan plan ”radical”.  Compared to what?  Lets compare it to the Senate‘s budget.  Oops, the Democrat controlled Senate doesn’t have a budget, it hasn’t passed a budget in three years!

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WORTH READING: A rumination on government and the sociopathic personality.

This from Doug Casey at Casey Research: “The Ascendance of Sociopaths in U.S. Governance,” wherein Mr. Casey makes a number of trenchant observations. You need not agree with all of them to gain insight into a different way of thinking about the problems facing America. Here are some quotes from the article…food for thought:

  •  All the institutions that made America exceptional – including a belief in capitalism, individualism, self-reliance and the restraints of the Constitution – are now only historical artifacts.
  •  Have you ever wondered where the 50,000 people employed by the TSA to inspect and degrade you came from? Most of them are middle-aged. Did they have jobs before they started doing something that any normal person would consider demeaning? Most did, but they were attracted to – not repelled by – a job where they wear a costume and abuse their fellow citizens all day.

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Talk about Failed Policies of the past…

…he only can be recognised as a true Socialist who adheres to the struggle of classes. According to this conception, the wish of one class constitutes law; audacious minorities will oppress intimidated majorities, and the social war is to rage permanently.

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