Look at the short history of the Obama Presidency. Always in crisis. Constantly agitating class and race warfare. Any opposition to even his worst policy is met with a full frontal assault by the left wing media and Democrat organs. Then read this by Yves Guyot, published in 1910.
…he only can be recognised as a true Socialist who adheres to the struggle of classes. According to this conception, the wish of one class constitutes law; audacious minorities will oppress intimidated majorities, and the social war is to rage permanently. These Socialists transfer all the conceptions of a warlike civilisation to economic society; the individual who is enrolled among their troops owes passive obedience to his leaders, and the independents are enemies to be received with the classic option of "your money or your life!"
Days of rage, identity politics, race and gender warfare, class warfare, Unions fighting the majority will of the electorate, massive debt and economic warfare on the dollar…
These are the same socialists Guyot faced. Their tactics are no different, their polices still just as flawed. And yet still the minority rages, and intimidates, and agitates for central planning and the silencing of the majority opposition. This is today’s Democrat party.
Talk about failed policies of the past.