The Same People Who Want You to Panic About Coronavirus Want You to Panic about Everything”

The Left and media hysteria over Coronavirus is working. The Stock Market is taking a hit. Stories are popping up everywhere. The wealthy political class is probably dumping some stocks to make matters look worse. But is it bad? At all? Just look at who stands to gain politically?

Related: Yes, I think “Coronavirus” is the Lefts Latest (I Have You Now) Anti-Trump Narrative

Democrats will do anything to make Trump look bad. Mass panic or nothing works as well as anything. And every state and city is helping. The news is loaded with stores with titles like (name of state or town) braces, considers, ramps up prepares for Coronavirus.

It’s the best thing since the more or less fake PFOA scares that still filter through the news feeds. They are setting the table and asking you to take a seat. And no matter what happens they are going to force-feed you a narrative the Trump and Republicans didn’t do enough.

Why do you think they overbid Trump on new spending to address this ‘crisis’? It’s not about money or need, that was pure political theater. An ace in the hole for later. 

It should be apparent to you that the same media that has lied about nearly everything for three and a half years and admitted it hates Trump has not suddenly had a come to Jesus moment with Truth. We can’t believe anything they print or broadcast, which is sad. But that is a fact.

Speaking of which, we should probably provide an alternate message. The Media Resistance message. Today’s installment comes from Joel Pollack at Breitbart. He’s got 5 reasons to not freak out about Coronavirus.

1. Coronavirus is a familiar illness, and not as bad as others.
The fatality rate is low compared to previous strains. “It may even be close to the mortality rate from an ordinary flu outbreak in the United States.”

2. The U.S. response has been exceptionally good
“Democrats are screaming about funding and staff cuts that never actually happened.” And the thing the left opposes the most (the travel ban) has done the most good.

3. We are going to have a vaccine soon.
The Free market profit motive (and bragging rights) will produce treatments far faster than any government-run model. In other words, successful preventatives, rapidly discovered and deployed, are bad for the Democrat’s government-run care agenda.

4. China is going to be all right. It will, despite the hype.

5. The same people who want you to panic about coronavirus want you to panic about everything. “Coronavirus is not a hoax, but pundits should be asked if they cared enough about flu — which kills far more people — to get their shot this year. If not, ignore them. Remember to wash your hands, and stay cool.”

As people post or share hyped-up media freakouts about infections and preparedness, share some basic simple truths. There are still very few confirmed cases in the US. Only 15 cases. Fifteen! Forty-Four cases are confirmed from passengers from the Princess Cruise Ship.

While the math suggests that we should have a lot more, no one has died (in the US), and everyone is paying attention. But the left will use this, and the media will hype it with the same deliberate ignorance with which they’ve covered everything else politicized in the age of Trump.

Democrats are going to make stuff up, sell it as fact, and hope for the worst. Why in hell would you want these people spending your money and running your lives? Because that is what they intend to do. And it won’t stop if they find that path to power.

| Breitbart

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