American Flag original image by by Dave Sherrill on Unsplash

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

I appreciate Ian Underwood addressing a quote in my 11/23 article, “Make America States Again.”  “I’m just responding to this from the article: Our Constitutional Republic structure, called Federalism, was wisely summed up by James Madison: The powers of the federal government are few and defined, while the states have unlimited powers. ‘I find it … Read more

It Certainly Ain’t “Diversity Is Our Strength”!

All the Woke Folk have this oxymoronic phrase on their lips. They practically shout it at anyone they believe must be punished for the heresy of shutting down any conversation they are losing. Sad little people. And given the socialist push to the Left in our school systems, this, too, is probably well beyond most … Read more

American flag america

How Did a Free People Become So Persuadable and Meek?

While today’s political dynamics spotlight our need to clean house, today’s situation also offers the latest in a series of gradual steps which, similar to the movement of the clock’s hands, continue unnoticeable.

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Laughing sununu as NH Flag burns

This Was a Test. He Failed It. Miserably.

An anti-mask march has been planned for April 10th in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. I’m all for it, but Florida has been free of mandates for many months. A bastion of freedom in its own right.  So, I’m not sure what sort of message this sends and to who?

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columbus vs indigenous peoples day

If it’s Indigenous Day and You Were Born Here, Celebrate Yourself! – You’re Indigenous Too!

Another Columbus day, and you know what this means? Another round of Anti-Colonialist vs. Indigenous people’s day banter. And as usual, I am here to gum up the works. Put the monkey in the wrench. Sabotage the narrative.

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COVID-19 Wu Flu closed-sign-2-750x400

Will You Take Back Your Country or Give it Over to the COVID Coup?

Angelo Codevilla has a great piece over at Real Clear Politics. His thesis is one with which we agree, and have shared repeatedly – in our own words – over recent months. “[T]he ruling class took this opportunity (COVID19) to extort the general public’s compliance with its agendas.”

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Preserving our Constitutional Republic

The latest revelations of the Susan Rice memo to herself in the early stages of the attempted coup against the Trump administration before the President even took office has brought to mind the critical importance of the necessity of not only re-electing the President but also maintaining, and perhaps increasing, control of the US Senate. … Read more


We are Already in the Midst of the Third “World War” – If You Want to Win “Be Trump”

The War to End All Wars did not end wars. Nor did World War II. But ever since the second, the idea of a third has loomed large in the culture, entertainment, and political rhetoric. I’m here to tell you; we’re not just already there, we are losing.

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Did The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Just Save the Electoral College From Meddling Democrats?

The National Popular Vote (NPV) is an effort to create a compact. States who sign on would allocate their electoral college votes based on the national popular vote. The goal is to get the compact to 270. But the 10th Circuit Court just blew a hole in their nefarious plan.

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Ann Kuster, Democrats wearing the party's traditional racist colors

The “Racist” Left Is Selling The Pursuit of Success as White Supremacy to Keep Minorities Down

If lifting people out of poverty and ending dependency is a goal the only system with the proven record of success is a Constitutional Republic with free market capitalism. So, why is it lost on so many that the Democrat party is in open rebellion against both?

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Rep. Ben Sasse Talks About the Kavanaugh Confirmation Circus

Senator Ben Sasse felt the need to use his time on day one of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing to explain a few things about the confirmation process, the role of the Court, the legislature. Basic stuff you’d think sitting US Senators should have figured out.

I guess not.

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Who Gets Us Closer to Being a Constitutional Republic Again?

The most important question of the republican primary, for any grassroots conservative, constitutionalist, or libertarian, is which candidate gets us closer to being a constitutional republic again?  

Who is this “we” of whom you speak, comrade?

‘We have never lived in a Constitutional Republic’ – David Karrick, Democrat, Merrimack 25 (Andover, Boscawen, Salibury, Warner, Webster) H/T Paladin & Wikimedia

Romney Talks De Tocqueville? Huh?

I saw this last night on c-span before the convention and was shocked.  How did the conservative gene skip Mitt?

This is the Romney that should be nominated, check this out:

“If I had to identify what I think is our most serious threat, it wouldn’t be in the economic area.  It wouldn’t be in the political area. It would be in the social area….”  said Romney.  On defining the  start of the problems,  ” ….well you start out with the departure from the fundamental principles on which this country was based… The Declaration of Independence…”


“I’ve seen the Federal government balloon to proportions that are way beyond everything conceived by the Founders… completely in violation of the 10th Amendment…”

Check out the vid after the jump…

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