We are Already in the Midst of the Third "World War" - If You Want to Win "Be Trump" - Granite Grok

We are Already in the Midst of the Third “World War” – If You Want to Win “Be Trump”


The War to End All Wars did not end wars. Nor did World War II. But ever since the second, the idea of a third has loomed large in the culture, entertainment, and political rhetoric. I’m here to tell you; we’re not just already there, we are losing.

It can be summed up in a nutshell by the always reliable IowaHawk.


This is how Democrats stole the black vote from Republicans. The result of that folly has been decades of political posturing – claiming support for victimhood they, as a party, created, and sustain.

African Americans are encouraged to crowd into ghettoes and murder their unborn children while selling the idea that Republicans are racist.

The Christian Church is being hollowed out by collective salvation as we speak. The Catholic Church has a communist Pope and is all but gone as an institution with the exception of local holdouts and bolt-holes of conservative resistance.

Education, Music, Movies, even gaming and internet companies have bent the knee to the progressive gods.

As Andrew Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture. The left has been taking over the culture for decades.

And still, we speak for liberty because we must.

The Discrimination and diversity councils and committees are fledgling star chambers. Their genesis, sold as harmless, is meant to metastasize the College campus version, which works more like the witch trials of Salem than any effort at justice through due process.

Locally, HB1159, the Democrats’ effort to let public figures threaten constituents with harassment and bullying online, is one of many amphibious assault vehicles landing on the beachhead of liberty. It is not enough to defeat that bill. We must overcome the idea and then replace its supporters in elected office.

Christmas is a season of giving. New Year’s is the season of renewal. Give something of yourself to save the Constitutional Republic in 2020. Support Republican candidates in New Hampshire however you can. Resolve to take it back. Invest in that resolve. And see it through.

Trump is not perfect, but neither are we. But he represents the single biggest fear of the left in our lifetime. He opposes the globalists, the deep state, the ruling class – the progressive force that kills our institutions. They have to hate him – he is a threat to their new world order. Someone with power who refuses to lay down.

You still have power. Electoral power. Social power. Be Trump.

When the left tries to intimidate you into silence, speak louder, and more often.

Assume every election, local, state, and national is the most important one of your life because it is. 

We can save New Hampshire and America, but we need to do more than want it. We have to make it happen. Every day, all year ’round.

If you can’t run for office donate time, money, and encouragement to those who can. If you don’t have time and money, find some other way.

Win the battles and you can win the war. One state at a time. One city at a time. One board or committee at a time.

Without freedom security is tyranny. And people want to be free. But sometimes they need leaders. Be a leader.

Don’t let them hollow out New Hampshire. Don’t let them kill America.
