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Hey A.I. – Who has more Rights: Parents or LGBT people? Part 2

by Skip

So, we left off with Bard  throwing in with the Left in declaring words (sex) can be redefined at any time for political ideology (“gender identity”). And Speech Coercion by Government is a fine thing for Government to tell us how to speak and think:

Yes, a transgender student has the right to be called by their preferred pronouns by others.

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man woman marriage bride groom heart

Ladies, Want to be Happier? Become Conservative!

by Skip

Pull Quote (emphasis mine): Wilcox says the “striking” thing about the survey results is that “the happiness gap is very large between conservative and liberal women….this is in part because conservative women are more focused on family life and in part because conservative women are more religious. In other words, cultural differences between the two groups of … Read more

Tejasinha Sivalingam

“What Are You, and Why Are You with Us?”

Being pro-life, pro-second amendment, and a vaccine pro-informed consent the Democrats were uneasy with me being a Democrat. Now, Republicans hold the same question and unease; “What are you, and why are you with us?”. “You must be a FedPoser or a leftist agitator”! False!

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Two New Choices, One Fateful Decision in November

Today’s voters usually think of our elections as political contests between liberal and conservative visions of America, often contentious, but always consistent with American values. In recent years, as our political rhetoric became more heated and the rancor more bitter, politicians and pundits started labeling every election as “the most important in history” – a … Read more

Dave Wheeler cropped - original care of WMUR

Dave Wheeler is a Conservative Warrior!

This letter is in response to some false campaign literature recently distributed in the Executive Council District 5 primary race.  The campaign mailer in question insinuates that Dave Wheeler is NOT the Conservative he purports to be – that he is backed by Progressive groups such as Planned Parenthood and Open Borders.

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Urgent Versus Important

Will reality have any real effect on political debate?

The conservative/liberal debate is interesting because both terms are undefined. It’s healthy to have this debate. But what exactly is the debate today? The terms have any meaning anyone wants to assign them, any time they feel like using them. Which is to say, they are utterly useless except as pejoratives.

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Bernie Goes for National Rent Control and More Federal Housing

Conservative Vs. Progressive… Where Do You Fit?

Conservatives and progressives have different views. We think about individuals and communities from fundamentally different places. Let’s look at an example. A conservative will ask: “What can I do for myself, my family, my community, and my fellow citizens?” A progressive asks: “What is unfair?” “I am owed what?” “What has offended me?” “My country … Read more

Being Outed As A Conservative

What causing political change? In America today the political landscape is shifting. That is the natural result of polarization. The underlying truth is that over the last few decades a billion people worldwide have lifted themselves out of poverty. This happened because capitalism was deployed with globalization of markets. The greatest benefits accrued in China … Read more

Hyphenated and Tone Deaf

by Tom

Here we have a photo of Democrat candidate for NH State Senate (District 8), Jenn Alford-Teaster dancing on the graves of veterans in Hillsborough, NH. She tweeted this photo after some campaigning there last week.  How tone-deaf do you have to be to NOT grasp the significance of the sacred spot you are standing, not … Read more

Pine Tree Ramblings – Vol 9

by Tom

I often find myself tweeting the hashtag #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder And I really do mean it. I’ve seen Liberals tweet, post and blog and I’ve heard them speak.  Many, many times, I ask myself, “is this person crazy, stupid or just malicious?”  There is hardly an example in all of my interactions with Liberals where I haven’t … Read more

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