It Certainly Ain’t “Diversity Is Our Strength”!

All the Woke Folk have this oxymoronic phrase on their lips. They practically shout it at anyone they believe must be punished for the heresy of shutting down any conversation they are losing. Sad little people. And given the socialist push to the Left in our school systems, this, too, is probably well beyond most … Read more


“…He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

The title is from our Declaration of Independence from England and King George’s tyrannical rule.  That text above is the 10th (out of the 27 Grievances our Founding Fathers listed as reasons for wanting our American cleavage from British rule. And, as this snippet from a longer Wall Street Times article (paywalled) should remind us … Read more

COVID Karen Halloween Costume

Hate Mail from Maureen Grossman – ” You Are a Selfish, Insensitive, Righteous Woman.”

I think that Maureen Grossman meant “self-righteous woman”, otherwise she defeated her purpose.

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Karl Marx Bust statue

If a 12 Year Old Can Make the Decision to Have Sex, Take Gender Changing Drugs, or Murder Their Unborn Child…

“If a 12-year-old can make the decision to have sex, take gender-changing drugs, or murder their unborn child, then why can they not make their own choice about wearing a mask?

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Collectivism - dumber than all of us

I Think Our Elites Are Missing the Message: “…See Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards…”

I really did have to chuckle at the actual headline: “Restrictions on Unvaccinated People See Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards: Researchers.” Reformatted, emphasis mine:

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all sides is one side

What Will “the Raw Seething Arrogance of the Elite” Do to Us?

I am a Zionist Jew, and thus I subscribe to a variety of news sources about Israel to attempt to keep up with the goings-on in my spiritual home.

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ALL Socialists are Totalitarians…

Treehugger has been a fountain of Leftist Collective thought for years, hidden under the guise of “Sustainability” and “Environmentalism.” It’s been fun (and rather easy) to throw pointed rhetorical sticks at said denizens. Why?

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Social Justice

Ben Shapiro: Justice is good. Social Justice is bad. Here’s why

Justice is about the individual. Social Justice is only about Group Justice where YOU are held responsible for anyone else that the Left believes to be in “your group.” Ben Shapiro nails this, and a LOT of things tied to it, in this short 3-minute video.

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Promoted from the Comments – When Government calls an Entitlement a “Right”

From my post “Promoted from the Comments – The Proper Role of Government” comes along a different way of saying the same thing. Frequent Commenter and Contributor Nitzakhon:

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How Deadly is Covid?

My Rights Don’t Stop at Your Fears, My Rights Trump Your Fears.

A pressing question from Kyle Smith: At what point do we decide that enough people have been vaxxed that pandemic restrictions should be tailored to them rather than to the unvaccinated?”

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Mr. Sununu, a True Republican Would be Repulsed by What You’ve Done

His Majesty Chris Sununu (Peace be upon him) got some airtime on the Collusion News Network (CNN). Given his recent antics, it’s the best place for him. Endless Emergency Orders and now anti-gun rhetoric. Maybe he has a future there. Until then, let’s deal with this.

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Renny Cushman

Renny Cushing: Anti-Maskers Have No Right to Infect. Skip: Progressives Have No Right to Trash the Bill of Rights

And the Left wonders and complains that masks should never have been politicized – Democrat NH House Minority Leader Renny Cushing goes ahead and does so. WMUR had yet another political hit piece in furthering that politicization of mask / no mask debate. And if you watched it (and you would have had to watch … Read more

Progressives Want To Indoctrinate Our Children, Not Educate Them

If you are a Progressive in the political sense of the word, here is the philosophy to which you subscribe. If you think about public education, you think like John Dewey, the father of a progressive educational system.

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Liberty is freedom from Government - Von Mises

Notable Quote – Liberty?

How can liberty be anything other than negative?  Liberty is the absence of external control.  Only in our age of collective thinking and untidy language could such a thing as “positive liberty” be conceived.  The state power to coerce is not liberty. -Bruce Walker (Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak) Because Socialists never talk about that in … Read more

Wokeness: Speaking of what is now called the Washington Football Team…

Yeah, Wokesters. Right now they are the shock troops of the Collective. You have your thoughts and beliefs. They have theirs.

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The Socialist Temptation

Notable Quote – The Socialist Temptation

Socialism is tempting, seductive, alluring. It comes in many forms and speaks in many different ways. It appeals to people who value fairness, who value freedom, and who value security. It comes in many varieties, sometimes clothing itself in the dress of nationalism, sometimes in the garb of environmentalism. Yet there is one single, unifying feature … Read more

Individualism vs Collectivism

Jean Stimmell asks the right question but slants it the wrong way

There is no doubt that the Concord Monitor swings Left- even more so since it decided that it would eliminate comments “from the Conservative rabble” who would often make that Progressive Narrative twist rapidly in the wind. Without such competition, the Left has gone Lefter. This example of that, penned by Jean Stimmell, has been … Read more

Rev. John Gregory-Davis

If Rev. John Gregory-Davis doesn’t like it, start your own company and pay higher wages

Rev. John Gregory-Davis has an Op-Ed in the Concord Monitor that is a lot of talk and very little self-responsibility. A typical Leftist wrapping himself up “in the cloth.” Is anyone ELSE getting tired of Progressives that yammer about “wealth inequality” but have no skin in the game themselves?

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Bernie and AOC keep saying “Democrat Socialism” is different than plain Socialism. It isn’t

It comes down to “Who Chooses”? With Socialism,  in that everything is owned by “all” and the majority ALWAYS overrules the minority (and the smallest minority is YOU), the Government chooses (whether you like it or not). You are only a cog in a collective. With Capitalism and our Representative / Constitutional Republic, that adheres … Read more

Paw Patrol

Sometimes a Cartoon is just a Kids Cartoon and not “Capitalist – Individualistic Propaganda”

I swear some “academicians” just have way too much time on their hands and too little horsepower to figure out what is real and what isn’t. Sure, messages can be sent to kids (think govt schools) but this is just too far.

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